Minimalistic optimized furry avatar for VRChat with changeable clothes and FaceTracking.
This is a modified project from GitHub (trev3d).
I agree with trev3d and also say
Given the license, I cannot legally stop you, but I will still politely ask - please do not use this model to post pornographic or suggestive content.
I will also be grateful if you indicate my authorship and the authorship of the original (and do not indicate authorship in pornographic or suggestive content, if you still want to do it).
About all possible mistakes and wishes or criticism write me safely. I will be interested to answer everything or realize that I have created some silly thing :D
This is a modified vrcfox-2.3 project with added new clothes and also made body geometry. The project includes the Blend 4.3.2 file itself and the Unity 2022.3.22f1 project.
The easiest way to adjust the colours is to vertex paint rather than using a texture. This works well for solid colours, but is not suitable for fancy patterns. Your avatar file size will stay small and load quickly without texture files. If you prefer to use a texture, the model has a second set of UVs. You will need to change the active UV layer of each mesh to ‘UVMap’ and apply the texture yourself. You will also need to erase all vertex colours, as they will still appear on the default material in the Unity project!
To properly export the model from blender to unity, you must use the export script attached to blender (otherwise it will ‘fade’ [exports colors type ‘SRGB‘, instead of ‘LINEAR‘] the model and export the clothes to unity incorrectly [without combining meshes and blendshapes]). Clicking the '▶' button will export the model to Unity.
The Unity project has a prefab model, as well as two scenes for PC and Quest&IOS. All prefab changes go into changing the scene. Аlso includes a script AnimatorWizard (uses the hai-rus v3-animator-as-code package to configure animators) that allows you to customise facial expressions, avatar blend prefs and face tracking features. You can disable some features to save on VRChat settings, or add your own combinations of shapes for facial expressions, shape customisation, clothing switching, face tracking, etc.
PC/Android/IOS: Good
Polygons (Triangles): <10000
Phys bones: 5
Material: 1
Mesh: 1
Audio Source: 1 (PC)
Contact Receivers: 2
Contact Colliders: 3
Download file size: <1 mb
- To think about blendshapes v2/MouthCornerPullLeft and v2/MouthCornerPullRight, v2/MouthLeft and v2/MouthRight as the v2/SmileSad and v2/MouthStretch splits were expected to perform the same function, but alas in game they maxed out at 30% of their value. Most likely we should remove the separation (make it as it was) and make separate blendshapes for v2/MouthCornerPullLeft and v2/MouthCornerPullRight or improve blendshapes: v2/MouthLeft and v2/MouthRight And insert them into the avatar's face tracking;
- Improve blendshapes: v2/CheekPuff and v2/CheekSuck;
- Improve the eyetracking system through parameters,
and make it create automatically(WIP, it will be developed many times, but it is working now)(OSCmooth works great, but it hasn't been tested without it yet! OSCmooth is now removed in eyetracking); Add a clothing creation system to the Animator Wizard and the ability to add new clothing(The algorithm needs to be significantly improved!);Implement OSCmooth functionality in AnimatorWizard(It's working! Tested. The code should be optimized if possible);- Toggle drivers (common to prefs and cloth). This state transitions to itself every half second to update toggles. it sucks...TODO: not use this awful driver updating. (Layer of anim fx: vrcfox__drivers);
- Significantly improve Animator Wizard code optimization and readability;
- Add new presets for faces (FaceToggle);
- Improve locomotion (Slightly improved);
- Review the settings of all Physbones, especially about the Physbone tongue (Slightly improved);
- Revisit some of the weights for the rig;
- Migrating from V0 to V1 AnimatorAsCode;
- Split Animator wizard into several scripts (Maybe :D);
- Make a better showcase :D.