- Vancouver
heroes-of-the-storm-replay-parser Public archive
Forked from karlgluck/heroes-of-the-storm-replay-parserWeb service that returns a JSON description of a *.StormReplay file from Blizzard's game Heroes of the Storm
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 13, 2015 -
django-rest-framework Public
Forked from encode/django-rest-frameworkDjango REST framework makes it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful Web APIs.
Python UpdatedJan 16, 2013 -
sc2ranks Public
Forked from ksaua/sc2rankspython library for the sc2ranks api
Python UpdatedNov 12, 2012 -
python-setup-template Public
Forked from paltman-archive/python-setup-templatea place to copy and paste a new setup.py
Python UpdatedJul 1, 2012 -
node-lol-client Public
Forked from justinjones/node-lol-clientLeague of Legends client emulator for node.js
2 UpdatedMar 20, 2012 -
The-Django-gunicorn-fabfile-project Public
Forked from alexisbellido/The-Django-gunicorn-fabfile-projectThis is a bare Django project that includes a Fabric file, commonly known as a fabfile, to setup an Ubuntu 11.10 server with Django, Nginx, gunicorn and upstart.
one_second_django_deployment Public
Forked from tkopczuk/one_second_django_deploymentOur scripts to automate Django deployment and versioning. It takes one command to automagically create a new node running nginx+gunicorn under the supervisor daemon. Performs minification and bundl…
Django-Socialauth Public
Forked from agiliq/Django-SocialauthAllows logging via Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter and Openid
twitstream Public
Forked from atl/twitstreamA simple asynchronous HTTP library in python for speaking with Twitter's streaming API, with numerous example applications.