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(I'm hedging my bets with this repo name. I'd want to add more serial setup tutorials. For example, I bought a bunch of Gameboy Advance wireless adaptors that I should do something with. So far it's all about the GBA UART mode.)

Gameboy Advance UART demo

It turns out you don't need an Xboo, MBV2, Arduino, own microchip etc.. setup to communicate with a Gameboy Advance over the link port. A run-of-the-mill USB-to-UART cable will do fine. And as an interface program any old UART app will probably do as well.

This projects includes a tutorial, a python shell to interact with the GBA, and simple code examples to test UART transfers with this setup. The code has been tested on Linux, Windows and will work for OSX as well.

The examples include loading multiboot programs and uploading backgrounds and sprites on the fly to a running GBA.

Under the covers we use a home-grown simple communication protocol between the shell and the GBA, Gbaser, that consists of a message type, a data length, a payload and a CRC checksum so we can reliably send data of different types.

The UART specific code in this repo is available as a library to include in other projects.


I've tested this in two setups:

5-wire setup

RX (receive), TX (transmit), both the RTS and CTS control flow lines and ground

This enables full flow control, but requires link cable and USB<->UART cable to have all the flow control lines available. Most GBA and USB<->UART cables don't have all the wires. However GB cables will fit the GBA and (I think) always have all six.

3-wire setup

At a minimum you only need RX, TX and ground on both cables. So no flow control.

what setups will work

As it turns out you don't need full flow control to get communication going. The standard USB to serial cables that are often bought to interface with your Raspberry Pi will only have power, ground, RX and TX. With those you can communicate just fine.

However, since the GBA can't tell the other side to stop sending, it won't. This should be an issue when the GBA can't process all the incoming bytes in time for whatever reason.

The GBA can be set up with or without hardware flow control, by setting the SIO_CTS bit in the SIOCNT register.

On my setup, with SIO_CTS set, individual transfers will still work two-way with the brown RTS cable disconnected. When pulling the green CTS cable, only transfers to the GBA will go through. See below for how to wire things up. But this will depend on how your client UART program behaves as well.

With SIO_CTS unset, you only need RX, TX and ground.

The UART library/example code works with either setup.

I find that in practice flow control is more of a hassle than a benefit, so flow control is set to off by default in the Makefile and in the script.

what do you need

USB to UART cable

Again, just be aware what cable you're buying. Most of them exclude the RTS and CTS wires, and so will only expose 4 wires.

I went with the FDTI TTL-232R-3V3. You can choose between female end-points or just wires. The female endpoints can be handy if you want to debug the protocol as you can plug them on a breadboard.

Link cable

Again, if you're going for the full setup, you need a link cable wit at least 5 wires actually connected to the connector pins. Most aftermarket cables don't, so be ware. I've bought a few standard Japanese link cables from Ebay, and they do have five pins connected. Those Japanese link cables do miss the VCC pin, but it's not necessary for this purpose.

The best way to check is to see if there are metal plates on all of the outputs. It's usually hard to see on the pictures.

terminal program

I've wrote a simple Python terminal that is hopefully cross-platform:

<root>/shell/ -h

Whatever you type is sent over the specified serial port after you hit return. The program asynchronously prints whatever the GBA sends back on the screen. Read below for more info on its features and operation.

You can also choose your favorite terminal program. GNU screen should work on Linux. If you use it with the demo program in this repo. Press left on the dpad to set the GBA into pass-through mode, which is compatible with dumb terminals.

compiler toolchain

DevkitPro works for me

tonc library

for writing text to screen

hardware setup

It's just a matter of wiring up the USB cable to the GBA link cable. In my debugging setup, I put male pins on the link cable wires. They plug either into the female end-points of the UART cable or into a breadboard.

The below schematics should hopefully make it obvious how to wire up both cables:

GBA link-port pinout

/ 1 3 5 \
| 2 4 6 |	(looking at GBA cable link-port, so not GBA itself)

(colors below are taken from original Japanese blue link cable)

1	VCC xxx
2	SO  TX  red
3	SI  RX  orange
4	SD  RTS brown
5	SC  CTS green
6	GND GND blue

FDTI TTL-232R-3V3 cable pinouts


1 GND black
2 CTS brown
3 VCC red
4 TDX orange
5 RDX yellow
6 RTS green

GBA <-> rs232 usb cable wiring

GBA                rs232 usb cable  oscilloscope
---                ---------------  ------------
2 SO TX  red ----> 5 RxD yel        purple
3 SI RX  org <---- 4 TxD org        blue
4 SD RTS bwn ----> 2 CTS bwn        green
5 SC CTS grn <---- 6 RTS grn        yellow
6 GND blu <------> 1 GND blk

At a minimum you can get by with GND <-> GND, SO <-> RxD, SI <-> TxD.

what cable wiring looks like


Check the Makefile to see if the top 3 parameters work for you:

  • PATH - path to your toolchain binaries
  • TONCLIB - path to tonclib
  • FLOW_CONTROL - flow control on or off

Type make in the root of the repo.


On the GBA the baud is set to 115200, so your communication program must follow suit. There's no handshaking protocol whatsoever. You can disconnect/reconnect your GBA or terminal program on your other computer at any time, and just type away when both are set up.

steps (in any order):

  • connect frankencable to GBA and terminal computer
  • start the compiled rom on your GBA
  • On the terminal computer, check what port it's on. On Linux do a diff between two invocations of ls /dev/tty* with and without the cable plugged in. It's often on /dev/ttyUSB0. On Windows: Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) -> USB Serial Port (COMx), where x is a number. COMx is the port id.
  • start your favorite serial communication program or use the simplistic terminal program in this repo: <root>/shell/ /dev/ttyUSB1 for Linux, or python <root>\shell\ COMx for Windows.
  • When using a dumb terminal, press left on the GBA dpad to enter dumb pass-through mode.
  • (the program will only send data to the GBA after a return. The GBA program will only exit the read loop after detecting a return. The GBA will send back the bytes you've sent it)
  • (the read-buffer of the GBA program is 4096 bytes)

protocols and terminal program

The GBA test program and the included program supports two protocols:

  • passthrough: this will just read incoming bytes into an array, scan for a ret character and then print those bytes to screen.

  • Gbaser (the default): This is a very simple communication protocol. The first byte designates the type, then follows a word containing the size of the transfer, then the data itself, and following it another word with the CRC of the data. The terminal program by default will listen to strings of data, and will send whatever you typed in the Gbaser format, with as type `string'. On the GBA, the result will be saved in a ring-buffer, which will be drained when printing the characters on screen.

sending multiboot programs

You can also send and execute multiboot programs, so GBA roms with the .mb suffix.

Just use the program with as the argument of the --multiboot parameter your multiboot file:

./shell/ --multiboot ~/iso-snake.mb /dev/ttyUSB0

sending binary blobs

You can also send binary blobs to any GBA memory location. In this way you can for example load bitmaps, sprites, palettes or tiled backgrounds interactively from your computer terminal, instead of having to compile and load your whole program to say a flash cart every time you make a change.

To do this you can for example use Grit to create a palette and data file from your image, and send them to the GBA one after the other with the shell. The below invocation is equivalent to the --multiboot example above, except that the GBA won't branch to 0x02000000 (it's a different Gbaser type):

./shell/ --binary-blob ~/tmp/iso-snake.mb --binary-loc 0x02000000 /dev/ttyUSB0

binary blob examples

mode 3 background

As an extension of sending binary blobs, you can basically program your GBA from your computer. You can put bytes into any memory region you want, including the IO registers. So you can set up REG_DISPCNT, move the x and y values of sprites, etc.. includes the --mode3-bg option to demonstrate this. It sets up REG_DISPCNT to mode 3, and copies the bytes in the file given as argument to --mode3-bg to MEM_VRAM.

Say you have a file called splash.png. You can use grit to convert it to a binary blob like so, which will output a file called splash.img.bin:

grit splash.bmp -gb -gB16 -ftb

Then call

./shell/ --mode3-bg splash.img.bin /dev/ttyUSB0

This will call the python function called set_mode3_bg, which starts to look quite a bit like programming on your GBA itself, except for that you have access to your local filesystem:

def set_mode3_bg(file):
    send_binary(file, MEM_VRAM, Mtype.binary.value)

tiled background

Similarly you can set a tiled background:

grit brin.png -ftb -mR8

This creates brin.img.bin, and brin.pal.bin. Pass their common prefix to to set the GBA into mode 0 and copy the assets to the right locations:

./shell/ --tiled-bg brin /dev/ttyUSB0


This simple example sets up a 16x32 sprite, including OAM attributes, palette and tiles.

grit ramio.png -ftb -gB4 -gT 000000 -Mw 2 -Mh 4

This creates ramio.img.bin and ramio.pal.bin. Pass their common prefix to to set up the correct sprite mode, set up the attributes of sprite 0, and copy the assets to the right locations:

./shell/ --sprite ramio /dev/ttyUSB0

UART library

The usefulness of the UART code has grown big enough for it to be useful as a standalone library.

When doing a plain make, you also create a C library in build/libuart with the familiar include and lib subdirectories, which can be included in other projects.


It looks like the computer-side takes a byte to respect SD being high. I'm not sure what component is the culprit. Perhaps it's the FDTI chip in the cable, perhaps it's the serial tty setting in the OS. I do see this behaviour both in the Emacs UART client as well as with PySerial used by the Python terminal app.

CPU budget per UART char received

Some perspective on how many instructions can be processed in the time it takes one byte to send: At a baud rate of 115200, it takes 8.68 usec for 1 bit to transfer. So 8 bits plus one start and one stop bit will take 86.8 usec to transfer. The CPU frequency of the GBA is 16.78 Mhz, or 59.59 nsec per instruction. So running at UART line speed, we have 1,456.62 of instructions to play with between UART data register reads. A screen refresh takes 280,896 cycles, so a byte read is about 0.005 of that, or 1/192.84. So 0.84 scanlines (including vblank).


  • add oscilloscope pics
  • investigate why the computer-side doesn't respect SD being high
  • set a read timeout



This repo is distributed under the MIT license. For licensing terms, see the LICENSE file in the root of this repo or go to


experiments with the Gameboy Advance serial interface







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