This project is inspired by Facebook's Floating Header View on iOS.
The header view will float on the top on two cases:
- ScrollView is scrolled all the way to the top;
- User scrolled up faster than a normal scroll.
This is supposed to work on iOS 5+.
Supported Views:
- UIScrollView
- UITableView
- UICollectionView -- untested
Add UIScrollView+IBFloatingHeader.h and UIScrollView+IBFloatingHeader.m to your Xcode project.
Import UIScrollView+IBFloatingHeader.h on your desired UIViewController.
#import "UIScrollView+IBFloatingHeader.h"
Create a custom UIView and set it as the floating header for the UIScrollView/UITableView of your choice.
UIView* header = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, [[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds].size.width, 40)];
[header setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[self.scrollView setFloatingHeaderView:header];
Access the floating view by sending the floatingHeaderView message to the UIScrollView/UITableView
UIView* floatingHeaderView = [self.tableView floatingHeaderView];
None yet.
- Contributions and suggestions are welcome.