“DU NOTES” is a one-stop portal developed For and By the students of Dibrugarh University(Assam-India).
- Find your resources like HandWritten Notes, Question Papers, Sample papers, Practical papers, etc
- Get answers to your queries
- Upload your materials to the portal
- Get Resume tips,find the best e-learning platforms available
- Connect with professors of Dibrugarh University and share your ideas and discuss
Secure Authentication System
- Signup
- Login
- Email Validation using Confirmation Link
Verified Notes from the members of DU.
Dedicated User Profile Section.
Secured Data Transmission using JWT
SignUp Their Accounts(For DU students need to have ID's).
Can view/download any type of resources.
Can filter the search based on Requirement.
Can add resources(published after verification).
Can Interact with gurus in the portal.
Can search to find best e-learning platforms available.
can add/edit/delete user details.
SignUp Their Accounts(Based on Id's Provided by DU)
Can approve/view/delete all the uploads made by users
Can add/edit/delete contents of the website
- Front-End Framework
- Angular-8
- Backend-End Framework
- Sprint Boot,Spring Security
- Tools
- Mailgun(For testing email Services)
- Library Used
- Java Mailer(Sending mails)
- Angular Material
- Adding commenting/liking feature on every specific papers
- Improving Ask a Question Section