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RNSail - React Native Starter 0.5.0

My starter kit for react native projects.

Folder Structure

The folder arranged as:

├── src
│   ├── assets                  # assets (such as fonts, image, sound & etc)
│   ├── components              # widely used Custom Components, import using '@components'
│   ├── lib                     # custom functions/library, import using '@lib'
│   ├── config                  # configuration, import using '@config'
│   ├── routes                  # routing navigation
│   ├── screens                 # All screen pages are here
│   │   └── ...                 # screens   
│   └── index.js
├── ...

More on ...


Create your local copy

To create new project using this, you need to copy/clone this to your local.

$ git clone MyApp

Rename your Project

Then use react-native-rename to rename the project from it's default RNStarter

$ react-native-rename MyApp -b com.domain.myapp

Install using yarn

$ yarn install
$ react-native link


$ react-native run-ios 


$ react-native run-android

Buy me a Coffee

If you feel this is useful, please consider to buy me a cup of coffee or two.



This starter created is intended for self-use purposed. Btw, you might be interested on my learning process to create this starter.

Please find it in this articles.


Sunaryo Hadi