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semantic Build Status

SuperPhy for the semantic web

Starting from a fresh install of linuxmint-17.3-cinnamon-64bit

* sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
* sudo apt-get install apache2 curl git libapache2-mod-wsgi libyajl2 mummer muscle python-dev python-virtualenv wget xvfb -y
* git clone ~/superphy
* cd ~/superphy
* python install --sys
* //to start blazegraph
* python run
* cd app/
* //to start superphy webapp
* python
* //Navigate to localhost:5000, and verify the page loads, go back to the terminal and hit ctrl-c
* //Navigate to localhost, and verify the apache-mod_wsgi server is running.

/*If any thing doesn't load, try refreshing the page again, as the first load is broken at the time of writing this.

Congratulations. You have a working version of SuperPhy. Next thing to do is add in genome data to the Blazegraph Triplestore.

  • Setup coffeelint to ensure we are all following the same coding style
  • coffeelint.json in the root directory ensures the rules apply to all subdirectories

The MVC framework is called Mithril, in Javascript. It is minimalistic and can be used more like a library than a huge framework. It is small, fast and allows easy integration with other libraries. Like react, it provides a virtual DOM, and only re-draws what has changed.

  • CSS pre-processor

A standalone Blazegraph .jar file can be found at Blazegraph Download

Adding real genomic data to the Blazegraph triplestore

The Java Heap Size will need to be changed (probably) for datasets of our size -- even loading the basic GO owl file required this. This will give blazegraph a 4GB heap space, which should be enough.

The OWL file for the Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology (GFVO) An ontology for describing genomic features and variants; in particular the contents of GFF3, GTF, GVF and VCF files, should be obatined from: ( and installed

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/rdf+xml' --data-binary '@gfvo.xml' http://localhost:9000/blazegraph/namespace/superphy/sparql

GO ontology for genes in OWL ( 10 tips for using GO ( The latest version includes the ~900 PAMGO ( terms for virulence

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/rdf+xml' --data-binary '@go.owl' http://localhost:9000/blazegraph/namespace/superphy/sparql

This takes a few minutes (Modified: 1349345 Milliseconds: 926484)

The genome should undergo the quality checks before being loaded into the triplestore. Following addition, each new analysis should query the triplestore for the sequence, and then update the triplestore with the result. This allows things to be done in parallel, rather than one monolithic analysis that can fail. Also, using GET uses caching, so their shouldn't be a huge amount of data transfer (eg. querying multiple times for the same genome sequence)


An ontology describes hierarchical relationships, and the properties. To create an actual RDF instance, you can use the rdf:type -- this is so common that the agreed upon shorthand is the single letter 'a' -- it means exactly the same thing. See ( for a well-explained introduction using OWL and RDF.

Directory structure for semantic superphy (OUTDATED)

Top level

    • Directory is expanded below top level


app/.............................Flask appication files; files for creating the website auth/........................views, and forms having to do with the authentication content main/........................views, and forms having to do with the main content static/......................Static assets: pictures, css, js, cscript. templates/...................Jinja2 templates. .HTML files. api_1_0/.....................Relic from Flasky skeleton. RESTful API Blueprint bash/*............................bash scripts for matenance and setup migrations/.......................Relic from Flasky skeleton. Iterative deployment of the table SQL database is stored here. ontology/.........................Linked data files (TTL,RDF,etc). These were made with 'Protege'. They provide the framework for adding linked data to the triplestore. python_package/...................Individual packages scrypt/.......................?Script? sparql/.......................Sparql queries & updates. sparql endpoint interface. uploader/.....................Genome import module tests/............................Testing code for the entire project tmp/..............................Temporary storage. This folder mostly ignored by git findhome/.....................Stranded code. This folder is not ignored by git. uml/..............................Specification, Visualization, Construction and Documentation artifacts venv/.............................Virtual Environment to keep the dependencies required by the project separate from the dev system. requirments.txt...............Requirements install file for the virtual environment


app/api_1_0/ authentication from Flasky skeleton. Decorators handling blueprint constructor from Flasky skeleton. from Flasky skeleton. (Could keep track of some things here)

app/auth/ Form Classes constructor View Functions

app/main/ Error View Functions (Keep this) from Flasky skeleton. constructor from Flasky skeleton.

app/static/ coffee/.......................all coffeescript files for creating the website css/..........................all CSS files (generated by LESS, or 3rd party) images/.......................all images for the site js/...........................generated javascript (from Coffee files) and 3rd party less/ coding, generated CSS is in separate folder coffeelint.json...............coffeescript style conventions gulpfile.js...................config file for Gulp index.html....................Mithril home (includes HTML sekelton and includes minified JS and CSS)

app/templates/ auth/.........................Authentication Webpages change_email.html.........^ change_password.html......^ email/....................Email related webpages change_email.html.....^ change_email.txt......^ confirm.html..........^ confirm.txt...........^ reset_password.html...^ reset_password.txt....^ login.html................Login Webpage register.html.............Register Webpage reset_password.html.......Password Reset Webpage unconfirmed.html..........Unconfirmed account Webpage mail/.........................Relic from Flasky skeleton. new_user.html.............Relic from Flasky skeleton. new_user.txt..............Relic from Flasky skeleton. 403.html......................403 Error Webpage 404.html......................404 Error Webpage 500.html......................500 Error Webpage base.html.....................Base webpage for many other pages to inherit. _comments.html................Relic from Flasky skeleton. edit_post.html................Relic from Flasky skeleton. edit_profile.html.............Relic from Flasky skeleton? error_page.html...............Base webpage for many other pages to inherit. followers.html................Relic from Flasky skeleton. index.html....................Index _macros.html..................Relic from Flasky skeleton? moderate.html.................Relic from Flasky skeleton? post.html.....................Relic from Flasky skeleton. _posts.html...................Relic from Flasky skeleton. user.html.....................Relic from Flasky skeleton.

app/ Decorators app/ email (broken) app/ from Flasky skeleton. Dummy? app/ app init function