Bridge is a unified messaging system that allows you to easily build cross-language services to share data and realtime updates among your servers and your clients
The Bridge Server requires Erlang (>= R15) and rebar (included in this directory).
Before compiling for the first time, you must use rebar to resolve dependencies.
./rebar get-deps
To compile the Bridge Server, run the following from the top level directory of this project:
./rebar compile
To package Bridge Server into a release version (and to make it easier to run in the future) run: Note: Be sure that your project directory is named 'gateway' for this script to work correctly (at least until this is correctly changed).
To run bridge in the background, run:
~/.bridge/bin/server start
To stop bridge, run:
~/.bridge/bin/server stop
Finally to run the Bridge Server in development mode, start RabbitMQ and then run:
First make sure the control server is running for bridge (default is running).
Then make this api call to the control server to add whatever api key (you
want) to add.
curl -i http://YOURBRIDGEHOST:7002/ctl/addKey -d '{"priv_key":"YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY", "pub_key":"YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY", "new_limit": 10000000}'
- API Reference:
- Getting Started:
- About Bridge:
The examples
directory of this library contains sample applications for Bridge.
Support is available in #getbridge on Freenode IRC or the Bridge Google Group.
Bridge is made available under the MIT/X11 license. See LICENSE file for details.