This C project was developed during my PhD at University of Oslo. I collaborated with Espen Jettestuen on this code. We started from a base code that had been developed in NORCE AS. The original code included a gecochemical solver and a lattice Boltzmann solver for transport [1]. New features added to the code to model and simulate microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation. The model and results are presented in a research paper [2].
A sample clip of a simulation can be watched here: Simulation
(1) Hiorth, A.; Jettestuen, E.; Cathles, L. M.; Madland, M. V. Precipitation, Dissolution, and Ion Exchange Processes Coupled with a Lattice Boltzmann Advection Diffusion Solver. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2013, 104, 99–110.
(2) Razbani, M. A.; Jettestuen, E.; Røyne, A. Direct Pore-Scale Numerical Simulation of Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation. Water Resources Research 2023, 59 (1).