This is the source code for my talk "Introduction to embedded Rust". It has been given a few times:
- 2023-06 at Sunny Tech in Montpellier, FR - slides
- 2023-04 at Devoxx in Paris, FR - slides, video (fr).
- 2022-11 at the Elastic Rust Guild - slides, video (en).
- 2022-11 at Capitole du Libre in Toulouse, FR - slides, video (fr), git branch.
There are two projects:
: a "blink" demo for an attiny85, with a variable rate driven by a LDR (light dependent resistor)intro-esp32
: two demos for an ESP32- Display the value of an LDR on a tiny OLED display.
- Display the value of an LDR on a self-refreshing web page with an embedded http server powered by ESP-IDF.
Along with the code, each directory also contains the schematics of the circuits that were use so that you can replicate it:
Useful links: