swapeJs is a lightweight javascript front-end framework.
First include the sjs script in your html <script src="sjs.js"></script>
if you are looking for the old sjs version, then see here:
// getting element object
var e = sjs.elm;
var elementObject = e.get('h1');
// getting multiple elements
var arrElm = e.get('.other', true);
var arrElm = e.getAll('.other');
// setting style to one or multiple elements
e.getAll('.other').setStyle('color', 'red');
// chaining more
e.get('.other', true).setStyle('color', 'red').setStyle('padding', '5px').setStyle('margin', '5px');
// using style value to set style to the element
e.get('.other').style.color = 'blue';
// setting class to all matched elements
// adding class to all matched elements
// remove a class from all matched elements
var x = sjs.xhr;
// getting xhr data
x.get('./partial/part1.html').then(function(data) {
// posting xhr data
x.xhr('POST', './partial/part2.html', {
x: 1,
y: 2
}).then(function(data) {
// or
x.post('./partial/part2.html', {
x: 1,
y: 2
}).then(function(data) {
// define a router
var r = sjs.router;
// add some route
path: '/',
templateUrl: '/example/v0.3/partial/part2.html',
name: 'home',
controller: function() {
console.info('I am the home controller');
// chain more routes
path: '/about/*',
template: '<b>This about page with some data (1) </b>',
controller: function() {
console.info('I am the about controller 1');
path: '/about/*/edit',
template: '<b>This about page with some data Edit</b>',
controller: function() {
console.info('I am the about controller 2');
routeObject = {
path: '/about', // matched url
templateUrl: '/example/v0.3/partial/part2.html', // template to load (optional)
view: 'other-view', // alternative view id (optional)
controller: function() { // a controller to run after loading the template
console.info('I am on this controller');
'path' can contain as a wildcard like /page//edit
'templateUrl' is a path from where to load the template (optional)
'template' is a string instead of templateUrl (optional).
'view' is an alternative view that can be declared like this:
otherwise the default view is used
. you can also target a different view from a sjs-link attribute like this Other otherwise Other is going to target
'name' this is to call the route something so that you can use r.goto(routeName); (optional)
'handelbars' must be set to true if you want to use handelbars for templating and the controller return an object that handelbars can use.
r.init({mode: 'hash'});
r.init({mode: 'history'});
See the /example/v0.3 for all the examples