This was built on a likely rainy SW Florida Saturday with ❤️ by some great people :)
- Don't
to master onlypull
from it - Branch names: lower-case with underscores separating words name it as close and brief to the feature you're creating like
or simplyreadme
- Commit messages: a sentance in present-tense with punctuation that gives a decent description of what was done. Something as simple as "Adds Readme file."
Remember, it's just a web page, we can fix anything. Go crazy and ship code!
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b name_of_feature_branch
- Code stuff 😄
git add .
git commit -m "Adds cool feature and closes #2"
git push origin name_of_feature_branch
- Create Pull Request in GitHub and tag a teammate for code review
- Teammate comments and/or merges your code
- Feature branch deleted once successfully merged into GitHub master
- Go back to step one
git status
git log
git branch
git branch -a
git checkout -b branch_name
git checkout branch_name
git add .
git commit -m "Cool message in present tense"
git pull
git push origin branch_name