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Added ability to read from the iPhone sms.db
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Restructured the code to work with a variety of sources.
Changed the argparse options to reflect this. Now run
with [-csv FILE | -iphone FILE]. 

Works with iOS 6 messages, it should be pretty easy
to target older versions
  • Loading branch information
t413 committed Oct 8, 2012
1 parent cd316a3 commit 4d0b76b
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 83 deletions.
29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -10,27 +10,36 @@ Get your old messages onto your android phone.
**Why this tool?** Other (still cool) backup tools like [SMS Backup & Restore](
run on the handset, they are terribly slow and fail to setup conversation threads correctly (in my experience). Use this from your laptop and push the new messages in seconds.

Just run `python textmessages.csv mmssms.db`, sit back, and relax.
Just run `python --csv textmessages.csv mmssms.db`, sit back, and relax.

First get your contacts.

####Using iPhone
First you need the sms.db from your ***iOS 6*** phone. (haven't done iOS 5 and lower yet)
- (It's at `/private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db` on your phone if you've already have a jailbreak and know what you're doing.)
- Otherwise, this file is in the iTunes backup of your phone (no phone required!)
1. Open the right folder:
- On Mac OS X open "~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/"
- On Windows 7/Vista open "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\"
2. Open the most recent folder.
3. Get the file named "3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28" and rename it to sms.db

Now run `python -iphone sms.db mmssms.db` to populate the empty mmssms.db with your iPhone messages.

####Using Google voice
Use [googlevoice-to-sqlite]( to create a csv file of your messages. ([direct link to .py file](
Use Google's Takeout service to migrate to Android! Use [googlevoice-to-sqlite]( to create a csv file of your messages. ([direct link to .py file](

You'll have to edit that file to make it mac/unix/linux compatable. Perhaps I'll fork that tool it here eventually. Run it, follow the prompts, and choose to export to CSV.

####Using iPhone / other
If the CSV formate is the same then you're good to go.
A tool to make this from iPhone's sms.db is in the works.
Now run `python -csv textmessages.csv mmssms.db` to populate the empty mmssms.db with your Google Voice Takeout messages.

###Getting mmssms.db from your phone
###Optional: Getting mmssms.db from your phone
I've included an empty mmssms.db one can fill with your new data. If you want to add to an existing mmssms.db:
You're going to need [ADB]( which is in android-sdk/platform-tools/adb and likely already in your path. Just run:
`adb root; adb remount; adb pull /data/data/ ./;`
To get mmssms.db in your current directory.

Given that textmessages.csv was produced by the `googlevoice-to-sqlite` tool and mmssms.db is from your phone,
Run `python textmessages.csv mmssms.db` and it will add all messages to mmssms.db.

###Uploading the results
`adb push mmssms.db /data/data/`
Expand Down
211 changes: 138 additions & 73 deletions
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@@ -1,88 +1,153 @@
import argparse, sys, time, dateutil.parser, sqlite3, csv
debug = False
do_save = True #save the results?

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Import texts to android sms database file.')
parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='input CSV file')
parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, help='output mmssms.db file use. Must alread exist.')
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help='extra info')
args = parser.parse_args()

#open resources
conn = sqlite3.connect(args.outfile)
c = conn.cursor()
inreader = csv.reader( args.infile )

#gather needed column indexes from the csv file
firstrow = #skip the first line (column names)
phNumberIndex = firstrow.index("PhoneNumber") if "PhoneNumber" in firstrow else -1
dateIndex = firstrow.index("TimeRecordedUTC") if "TimeRecordedUTC" in firstrow else -1
typeIndex = firstrow.index("Incoming") if "Incoming" in firstrow else -1
bodyIndex = firstrow.index("Text") if "Text" in firstrow else -1
cidIndex = firstrow.index("ContactID") if "ContactID" in firstrow else -1

#check to be sure they all exist
if (-1) in [phNumberIndex, dateIndex, typeIndex, bodyIndex, cidIndex]:
print "CSV file missing needed columns. has: "+ str(firstrow)

#start the main loop through each message
starttime = time.time()
convoMap = {}

for row in inreader:
if args.debug and i > 80:
break #debug breaks early
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Import texts to android sms database file.')
inputgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
inputgroup.add_argument( "-csv", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='input CSV file' )
inputgroup.add_argument( "-iphone", type=str, help='input iPhone sms.db file' )
parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, help='output mmssms.db file use. Must alread exist.')
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='extra info')
args = parser.parse_args()#"-iphone ../sms.db mmssms.db".split())
global debug
debug = args.debug if args.debug else debug

#get all needed information from the row
mdate = long(float(dateutil.parser.parse(row[dateIndex]).strftime('%s.%f'))*1000)
pnumber = row[phNumberIndex]
outtype = 2 if row[typeIndex]=='0' else 1
body = row[bodyIndex]
conctId = row[cidIndex]
if args.csv:
starttime = time.time()
texts = readTextsFromCSV( args.csv )
print "got all texts in {0} seconds, {1} items read".format( (time.time()-starttime), len(texts) )
elif args.iphone:
starttime = time.time()
texts = readTextsFromIPhone( args.iphone )
print "got all texts in {0} seconds, {1} items read".format( (time.time()-starttime), len(texts) )

exportAndroidSQL(texts, args.outfile)

class Text:
def __init__( self, num, date, type, body, cid):
self.num = num = date
self.type = type
self.body = body
self.cid = cid
def __str__(self):
return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__)

def readTextsFromIPhone(file):
conn = sqlite3.connect(file)
c = conn.cursor()
texts = []
query = c.execute(
'SELECT,, message.is_from_me, message.text, message.handle_id \
FROM message \
INNER JOIN handle ON message.handle_id = handle.ROWID \
for row in query:
if debug and i > 80:
txt = Text(row[0],long((row[1] + 978307200)*1000),(row[2]+1),row[3],row[4])
if debug:
print txt
return texts

def readTextsFromCSV(file):
inreader = csv.reader( file )

#gather needed column indexes from the csv file
firstrow = #skip the first line (column names)
phNumberIndex = firstrow.index("PhoneNumber") if "PhoneNumber" in firstrow else -1
dateIndex = firstrow.index("TimeRecordedUTC") if "TimeRecordedUTC" in firstrow else -1
typeIndex = firstrow.index("Incoming") if "Incoming" in firstrow else -1
bodyIndex = firstrow.index("Text") if "Text" in firstrow else -1
cidIndex = firstrow.index("ContactID") if "ContactID" in firstrow else -1

#check to be sure they all exist
if (-1) in [phNumberIndex, dateIndex, typeIndex, bodyIndex, cidIndex]:
print "CSV file missing needed columns. has: "+ str(firstrow)

#add a new conversation thread entry (and canonical_addresses lookup entry) if it doesn't exist
if not conctId in convoMap:
c.execute( "INSERT INTO canonical_addresses (address) VALUES (?)", [pnumber])
contact_id = c.lastrowid
c.execute( "INSERT INTO threads (recipient_ids) VALUES (?)", [contact_id])
convoMap[conctId] = c.lastrowid
texts = []
for row in inreader:
if debug and i > 80:
break #debug breaks early

txt = Text(
row[phNumberIndex], #number
long(float(dateutil.parser.parse(row[dateIndex]).strftime('%s.%f'))*1000), #date
(2 if row[typeIndex]=='0' else 1), #type
row[bodyIndex], #body
row[cidIndex] ) #contact ID
i += 1
return texts

#now update conversation thread (assuming it was just created or existed before)
thread_id = convoMap[conctId]
c.execute( "UPDATE threads SET message_count=message_count + 1,snippet=?,'date'=? WHERE _id=? ", [body,mdate,thread_id] )
if args.debug:
c.execute( "SELECT * FROM threads WHERE _id=?", [thread_id] )
print "updated thread: " + str(c.fetchone())
def exportAndroidSQL(texts, outfile):
#open resources
conn = sqlite3.connect(outfile)
c = conn.cursor()

#start the main loop through each message
starttime = time.time()
convoMap = {}

for txt in texts:
if debug and i > 80:
break #debug breaks early

#add a new conversation thread entry (and canonical_addresses lookup entry) if it doesn't exist
if not txt.cid in convoMap:
c.execute( "INSERT INTO canonical_addresses (address) VALUES (?)", [txt.num])
contact_id = c.lastrowid
c.execute( "INSERT INTO threads (recipient_ids) VALUES (?)", [contact_id])
convoMap[txt.cid] = c.lastrowid

if args.debug:
print "adding entry to message db: " + str([pnumber,mdate,body,thread_id,outtype])
#add message to sms table
c.execute( "INSERT INTO sms (address,'date',body,thread_id,read,type,seen) VALUES (?,?,?,?,1,?,1)", [pnumber,mdate,body,thread_id,outtype])
#now update conversation thread (assuming it was just created or existed before)
thread_id = convoMap[txt.cid]
c.execute( "UPDATE threads SET message_count=message_count + 1,snippet=?,'date'=? WHERE _id=? ", [txt.body,,thread_id] )

if debug:
c.execute( "SELECT * FROM threads WHERE _id=?", [thread_id] )
print "updated thread: " + str(c.fetchone())
print "adding entry to message db: " + str([txt.num,,txt.body,thread_id,txt.type])

#add message to sms table
c.execute( "INSERT INTO sms (address,'date',body,thread_id,read,type,seen) VALUES (?,?,?,?,1,?,1)", [txt.num,,txt.body,thread_id,txt.type])

#print status
if i%100 == 0:
lastSpeed = int(100/(time.time() - lastCheckedSpeed))
lastCheckedSpeed = time.time()
sys.stdout.write( "\rprocessed {0} entries, {1} convos, ({2} entries/sec)".format(i, len(convoMap), lastSpeed ))
#print status
if i%100 == 0:
lastSpeed = int(100/(time.time() - lastCheckedSpeed))
lastCheckedSpeed = time.time()
sys.stdout.write( "\rprocessed {0} entries, {1} convos, ({2} entries/sec)".format(i, len(convoMap), lastSpeed ))

i += 1
i += 1

print "\nfinished in {0} seconds (average {1}/second)".format((time.time() - starttime), int(i/(time.time() - starttime)))

if debug:
print "\n\nthreads: "
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM threads'):
print row

print "\nfinished in {0} seconds (average {1}/second)".format((time.time() - starttime), int(i/(time.time() - starttime)))

if args.debug:
print "\n\nthreads: "
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM threads'):
print row
if do_save and not debug:
print "changes saved to "+outfile


if not args.debug:
print "changes saved to "+args.outfile

if __name__ == '__main__':

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