Yoonsuck Choe
A quick guide to getting started:
- download this repo:
- Click on the green [Use this template] on the upper right to create a new repo from this source.
- DO NOT clone this repo directly!
- install docker and run the daemon
- method may vary, depending on OS
- see https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- install docker-compose
- method may vary, depending on OS
- see https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
- in the 315-docker directory, run:
Linux & MacOS sudo docker-compose up -d Windows docker-compose up -d
- now you can access the web server on http://localhost:5555
- Note: the web site root directory is 331-docker/public/ (the top-level directory may be different depending on how you named it when you created a new repo from the template)
- files in the above directory will be visible at http://localhost:5555
- edits in your public/ directory in your host filesystem will immediately become visible on the web site.
- to stop and remove the instances from the docker runtime, run (in the top directory for 315-docker):
Linux & MacOS sudo docker-compose stop Windows docker-compose stop
Credits: https://phpdocker.io/generator was used to seed this. Here, you can created a custom yml file with different php versions and options.