Bug fix
Please make sure to backup your data before upgrading.
Change log
- Fixes
- Add missing SOMO dropdown to settings sidebar and change it's text in footer to active/inactive
- Add system clock/timezone check on startup. Currently incorrect time setups cause different issues on time sensitive functions
- BASIC config DCA enabled should allow decimal values to be put in and displayed
- Return error 304 when a delete/switch/publish/save/saveAll fails
- Cleanup the ordersettings and unaccounted folder from files that are older than 7 days
- Fix ctrl + s command saving incorrect file on top of another
- Fix BASIC config pair specific dropdown
- Fix test mode pending orders are not sold when they reach their target
- Fix pending orders are being created using strategy A even if it's not GAIN strategy
- Fix pending orders are not resetting when reset button is clicked
- Fix binance pending orders not showing directly in the pending log
- Fix long standing problem. Sold pending orders are not recorded in sales log. (Only works for coins sent to pending by the bot)
- Fix server.address option for people with multiple IP's
- Fix switching config when using offline data sometimes does not load correct config
- Fix changes from settingsapi not reflected immediately in the GUI after page refresh
- Fix BNB loses price after it's used to pay for fees (No promises)
- Fix not active configs not loading correctly sometimes
- Fix a bug where offline configs where not bound to the max amount of configs their license allows
- Fix bug of property values being removed when a config is copied
- Fix panic_sell_enabled in pairs should only panic sell PAIRS and if enabled in DCA should only panic sell DCA items
- Fix light skin is text is unreadable
- Fix editor removing spaces from commented out configs.
- Fix BASIC config use a dynamic list of available markets and price trigger markets, ie, BNB is only available on binance
- Fix setting lost bought price while using reserved amounts is not setting the price sometimes
Check the wiki for the full list of available features and settings
Operating system
- Windows
- Linux
- MacOS
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge (Limited)
ProfitTrailer follows https://semver.org/