Analysis of IEA carbon emission forecasts. The analysis is done in the analysis.ipynb
notebook, which you can open and run in Google Colab using the widget below.
The underlying data is sourced from IEA World Energy Outlook reports and is collated in the data/data.json
JSON file. The exact reference URL and page in the given document is given for each year, which typically has the format:
"2013": {
"link": "",
"page": {
"Current Policies": 575,
"New Policies": 574
"year": [1990, 2011, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035],
"values": {
"Current Policies": [20948, 31161, 36059, null, 40825, 43111],
"New Policies": [20948, 31161, 34595, 35722, 36493, 37242]
- "2013" is the key, i.e. the year of the given World Energy Outlook report
- "link" is the URL of the report
- "page" gives the page number from which the data has been taken for selected scenarios (here "Current Policies" and "New Policies")
- "year" gives the years for which historical data (year lower than the year of the report) or predictions (year higher than the year of the report)
- "values" give the corresponding values of CO2 emissions in Mt/year for the selected scenarios.
corresponds to a missing value
Note that in the analysis, cubic spline interpolation/extrapolation is used based on the provided data. Furthermore,
- "Reference" and "Current Policies" correspond to the same scenario
- "New Policies" and "Stated Policies" correspond to the same scenario