Example use case of CI-CD: GitHub Action x Docker x EX2 AWS
- Create a pair key
- For example: ec2-key.pem
- Save it the your PC and use it to connect with the ec2 instance
- Save it to AWS_PRIVATE_KEY in Github Action Key and Varibale for CD process
- Set up In-bound security group
- For example, port 8501 for Streamlit app
- IAM role for EC2
- SSMFullAccess
- SSMManagedInstanceCore
- Create a Docker Hub repository
- Create a Docker Token for login from Github Action to build and push and EC2 to pull and build
- AWS_EC2_KEY # Put here the values in key.pem file
- AWS_EC2_HOST # like ec2-XX-XXX-XX-XXX.eu-west-3.compute.amazonaws.com
- AWS_EC2_USERNAME # here 'ubuntu'
- Install Ubuntu WSL from Microsoft Store in Window
- Open installed Ubuntu terminal for the first time and configure your username and password
- WSL will then be displayed in the VSCode terminal
- Open WSL terminal and start the connection to EC2 instance using *.pem file
- Change permission
- chmod 400 ec2-key.pem
- if we can not change its permission that is because of the .pem file stay in the window system, you should move it into ubuntu root folder
- mv /mnt/c/Users/YourUsername/path/to/ec2-key.pem ~/ec2-key.pem
- chmod 400 ec2-key.pem
- Connect to ec2 instance
- ssh -i "ec2-key.pem" [email protected]
Download latest miniconda installer
Verify the installer (optional)
- sha256sum Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Run installer
- chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
- ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Initialize Conda for your shell
- /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/bin/conda init
Source your shell configuration file to apply the changes
- source ~/.bashrc
Verify that Conda is recognized
- conda --version
Test app
- Install Docker
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
- sudo systemctl start docker
- sudo systemctl enable docker
- Add the User to the Docker Group:
- sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Disconnect and reconnect to your EC2 instance.
- exit
- Verify Docker Group Membership:
- groups
- You should see docker listed among the groups.
Common command line for Docker, here 'mlops' is, for example, the Docker image repository in Docker hub
- Pull Docker image
- docker pull ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/mlops:latest
- Run Docker container, name it as 'mlops-container'
- docker run --name mlops-container -d -p 8501:8501 ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/mlops:latest
- docker run --name cicd-container -d -p 8501:8501 duongtanquang/cicd_ec2:latest
- Check Docker log
- docker logs cicd-container
- Stop Docker container
- docker stop cicd-container || true
- Remove Docker container
- docker rm cicd-container || true