Forked from
Modified terraform/terraform.tfvars file
A template and configuration that reuses modules from the terraform registry to deploy a sample app to an existing VPC, where:
The public presentation tier is an nginx host serving AngularJS static content that passes API requests through to the private application tier.
The private application tier hosts a spring boot application that persists data in the DB tier.
The db tier hosts an RDS PostgreSQL instance.
Sample app from (here)[].
Create a new Key Pair named KeyPair_terraform
in your VPC's region OR do not forget to change KeyPair_terraform
parameter in and files.
Retrieve public key of your keypair with command [MacOS/Linux]: ssh-keygen -y -f /path_to_key_pair/my-key-pair.pem
Take a copy of terraform.tfvars.template and substitute required values.
Create plan, i.e. terraform plan -out out-into_existing_vpc.tfplan
Apply as per normal, i.e. terraform apply "out-into_existing_vpc.tfplan"
Install go and deps and check out code to $GOPATH/src
Run go test -v -timeout 20m -run TestTerraformAws