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how to contribute to bqt documentation

Lynne Valois edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 12 revisions

Thank you for your interest in contributing to bqt's documentation! To get started, read the README. The following process may look complex, but we've broken each step down into bite-sized pieces. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - you can't break the project if you're not admin.


Before you start your first contribution, install the following tools:

If you are new to using Git and GitHub, please read about Git.

Your first contribution

The following steps are geared toward complete beginners. If you get lost or stuck, please feel free to ask questions in this thread or troubleshoot with Google search. Let's go! 🚶:

Fork the repository

  1. Navigate to bqt's repository.
  2. Click Fork in the upper right corner.
  3. Uncheck the "Copy the master branch only" option and click Create fork.

Clone the forked repository

Click the < > Code button above your forked repository. Under the Clone tab, choose the option that works best for your machine and Git client. Refer to cloning a repositoryfor additional help.

Open the repository with your Git client

  1. Access your cloned bqt repository with your chosen Git client.
  2. Switch to the “wiki” branch.
  3. Minimize your Git client window.

Open the wiki text files in Obsidian

  1. Open Obsidian.
  2. Click the “Open folder as vault” option.
  3. Locate and select the bqt folder on your machine.
  4. Use the left-sidebar to navigate the wiki files and choose one that interests you.

The wiki files are formatted using Markdown.

Make your first edit

Once you have chosen a wiki file in Obsidian, make a minor edit to the text. For example, you can change the capitalization of a letter or add punctuation.

Commit the change

  1. Maximize your Git client window.
  2. Commit the change to the wiki branch.
  3. Minimize your Git client.

Create a pull request 

  1. Navigate back to bqt's repository
  2. Click the "Compare & pull request" button located near the top of the page.
  3. Add a title and description for your pull request.
  4. Click Create Pull Request. This sends the request to a bqt admin for approval.

Congratulations! You made your first contribution to bqt’s documentation. Feel free to close the pull request. You are now ready to make meaningful changes.

Next steps

Check out the issues with the documentation tag.

How is the wiki set up?

See Sync the wiki and wiki-branch.