SmartPeak is an application that encapsulates advanced algorithms to enable fast, accurate, and automated processing of CE-, GC- and LC-MS(/MS) data, and HPLC data for targeted and semi-targeted metabolomics, lipidomics, and fluxomics experiments. The software is based on the OpenMS toolkit.
SmartPeak provides graphical- and/or command-line-based user input validation, workflow configuration, data visualization and review, logging, and reporting. SmartPeak can be run on multiple operating systems or run on cloud infrastructures. The workflow automates all steps from peak detection and integration over calibration curve optimization, to quality control reporting.
Build OpenMS-contrib by following the OpenMS wiki instructions
Download and install the pre-compiled Boost library binaries for windows (i.e. SourceForge) and
- The minimum required Boost version is 1.71.0
- Ensure that these binaries are used both for OpenMS and SmartPeak
- The only boost package required by SmartPeak is Unit Test for unit testing, however, the same version of boost must be used when compiling both OpenMS and SmartPeak
Download and install QT5 using the offline installer for windows
- NOTE: only install the 5.12.1 for the relevant version of visual studios
- Add the "lib" folder in the newly created qt5 directory to the system path variable so that the .dll's will be found during run-time
- or add e.g.
to the environment
Build OpenMS following the OpenMS wiki instructions. Example cmake command on windows
cmake -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -BOOST_INCLUDEDIR="C:/local/boost_1_73_0" -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/local/boost_1_73_0" ^
-DOPENMS_CONTRIB_LIBS="[OpenMS directory]/contrib/build" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/qt/Qt5.12.1b/5.12.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake" ^
-G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
- Open "OpenMS_host" in visual studios and build only the solution for "OpenSwathAlgo" and then for "OpenMS" IN THAT ORDER
- Add the "lib" folder in the openms-build directory to the system path variable so that the .dll's will be found during run-time
- or extend your current path with the following command in powershell as an elevated user:
setx path "%PATH%;[OpenMS directory]\openms-build\lib\debug;C:\qt\Qt5.12.1b\5.12.1\msvc2017_64\lib"
setx path "%PATH%;C:\local\boost_1_73_0\lib64-msvc-14.2;[SDL directory]\lib\x64"
Download the latest SDL2 libraries. Add the SDL2 folder to the path environmental variable. Compile using cmake and build for "external projects"
Example cmake command to download all external projects assuming that you are in the location [home directory]/smartPeak2/build_external
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T host=x64 -DUSE_SUPERBUILD=ON ..
However, many of the requirements overlap with OpenMS so for practical purposes the only libraries that will need to be download are "ImGui", "ImPlot", and "Plog"
Compile using cmake.
Example cmake command on windows assuming that all external dependency libraries are in the path [home directory]/smartPeak/build_external
cmake -DEIGEN_USE_GPU=OFF -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -BOOST_INCLUDEDIR="C:/local/boost_1_73_0/boost" -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/local/boost_1_73_0" ^
-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR="C:/local/boost_1_73_0/lib64-msvc-14.2" -DBOOST_USE_STATIC=OFF -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T host=x64 -DUSE_SUPERBUILD=OFF ^
-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=[home directory]/smartPeak2/build_external/Dependencies/Source/eigen ^
-DPLOG_INCLUDE_DIR=[home directory]/smartPeak2/build_external/Dependencies/Source/plog/include ^
-DIMGUI_DIR=[home directory]/smartPeak2/build_external/Dependencies/Source/imgui ^
-DIMPLOT_DIR=[home directory]/smartPeak2/build_external/Dependencies/Source/implot ^
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="[OpenMS directory]/openms-build";"C:/qt/Qt5.12.1b/5.12.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake";"[SDL directory]/SDL"; ..
Open "SmartPeak_host" in visual studios and build the project of choice. Projects can be built using Visual Studios in the IDE by opening msbuild [build_dir]/src/SmartPeak_host
and selecting the specific target to build in the SmartPeakGUI or on the command line by running e.g., msbuild [build_dir]/src/smartpeak/SmartPeak.sln /verbosity:normal /maxcpucount which will build the main SmartPeak library and then running e.g., msbuild [build_dir]/examples/SmartPeak_class_examples_smartpeak.sln -target:SmartPeakGUI /verbosity:normal /maxcpucount which will build the SmartPeak GUI.
Generating the docs for SmartPeak on windows platforms is done by calling the docs
build target.
In ordert to build the docs locally the following dependencies are needed:
- Doxygen : Download and install
- Sphinx :
pip install --user sphinx
- Breathe :
pip install --user breathe
- Exhale :
pip install --user exhale
Sphinx needs to be present in PATH
so that the sphinx-executable can be found by CMake i.e. C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts
In the below instructions it is assumed OpenMS code resides in ~/OpenMS
and SmartPeak code is in ~/SmartPeak
Build OpenMS-contrib by following the OpenMS wiki instructions.
Starting from Ubuntu 18.04
, it's not necessary to manually build OpenMS' contrib
. The packages available in the repositories are recent enough.
Build OpenMS following the OpenMS wiki instructions. Example workflow:
cd ~
mkdir OpenMS-build
cd OpenMS-build
make -j4 OpenMS
SuperBuild helps downloading the dependencies for SmartPeak.
cd ~
mkdir SmartPeak_superbuild SmartPeak_build
cd SmartPeak_superbuild
cmake -DUSE_SUPERBUILD=ON -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ~/SmartPeak
make -j4
cd ~/SmartPeak_build
cmake -DEIGEN_USE_GPU=OFF -DUSE_SUPERBUILD=OFF -DBOOST_USE_STATIC=OFF -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/OpenMS-build/ -DPLOG_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/SmartPeak_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/plog/include -DIMGUI_DIR=$HOME/SmartPeak_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/imgui -DIMPLOT_DIR=$HOME/SmartPeak_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/implot -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ~/SmartPeak
make -j4
Some dependencies one might have to install:
sudo apt install qt5-default libeigen3-dev libxerces-c-dev coinor-libcbc-dev libsvm-dev libboost-all-dev libwildmagic-dev libsqlite3-dev libglpk-dev seqan-dev libhdf5-dev python3-pip
Generating the docs for SmartPeak on Linux is done by calling the make -B docs
build target.
In ordert to build the docs locally the following dependencies are needed:
- Doxygen :
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz doxygen doxygen-doc
- Sphinx :
pip install --user sphinx
- Breathe :
pip install --user breathe
- Exhale :
pip install --user exhale
Building SmartPeak and all its dependencies is as easy as on Linux. Assuming the source code for OpenMS and SmartPeak reside
in the home directory i.e. ~/OpenMS
, the following steps can be taken verbatim:
brew is the tool of choice to get all the necessary libraries installed with ease, if it's not present on your machines, you can install it using the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install cmake qt5 sdl2 boost glpk eigen sqlite hdf5 libsvm xerces-c
brew install coin-or-tools/coinor/cbc coin-or-tools/coinor/cgl coin-or-tools/coinor/clp coin-or-tools/coinor/coin_data_netlib
brew install coin-or-tools/coinor/coin_data_sample coin-or-tools/coinor/coinutils coin-or-tools/coinor/osi
OpemMS libs can be built wihtout GUI capabilities using the following set of commands:
cd ~
git clone --branch develop --depth 1
cd OpenMS && git submodule update --init contrib && mkdir contrib_build && cd contrib_build
cd ~/OpenMS && mkdir openms_debug_build && cd openms_debug_build
-DCMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS=OFF -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt5);$(brew --prefix boost);$(brew --prefix)" \
-DSEQAN_INCLUDE_DIRS=~/OpenMS/contrib_build/include/seqan -DCOIN_INCLUDE_DIR=../contrib_build/include/ \
-DWM5_INCLUDE_DIR=../contrib_build/include/WildMagic/ -DWM5_Wm5Core_LIBRARY=../contrib_build/lib/libWm5Core.a \
-DWM5_Wm5Mathematics_LIBRARY=../contrib_build/lib/libWm5Mathematics.a -DHAS_XSERVER=OFF -DWITH_GUI=OFF \
make -j4 OpenMS
The contrib libraries are also offered by the OpenMS Team precompiled for the recent versions of clang and can be installed as follows, make sure to nagivate and fetch the contrib builds based on your macOS and Xcode versions:
cd OpenMS && mkdir contrib_build && cd contrib_build
curl -O
tar -xzf contrib_build.tar.gz
rm lib/libboost_* && rm -r include/boost && rm -r lib/cmake/Boost* && rm -r lib/cmake/boost*
Building SmartPeak is done in 2 steps:
- Fetching required libraries for SmartPeak (SuperBuild)
- Building SmartPeak library, examples and SmartPeak GUI
This can be done using the following set of commands:
cd ~/SmartPeak && mkdir smartpeak2_debug_superbuild smartpeak2_debug_build
cd smartpeak2_debug_superbuild
cmake -DUSE_SUPERBUILD=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. && make -j4
cd ../smartpeak2_debug_build
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="~/OpenMS/openms_debug_build/;$(brew --prefix qt5);$(brew --prefix boost)" \
-DPLOG_INCLUDE_DIR=~/SmartPeak2/smartpeak2_debug_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/plog/include \
-DIMGUI_DIR=~/SmartPeak2/smartpeak2_debug_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/imgui \
-DIMPLOT_DIR=~/SmartPeak2/smartpeak2_debug_superbuild/Dependencies/Source/implot \
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ~/SmartPeak2
make -j4
Generating the docs for SmartPeak on macOS is done by calling the make -B docs
build target.
In ordert to build the docs locally the following dependencies are needed:
- Doxygen :
brew install doxygen
- Sphinx :
pip install --user sphinx
- Breathe :
pip install --user breathe
- Exhale :
pip install --user exhale
The tests are run with ctest
In order to run a specific test, use -R
option and the test class name (without .cpp
ctest -R Utilities_test
The collection of examples is located at src/example/data
directory of the SmartPeak source code. The directory contains examples of different kinds of data in .mzML
format and their corresponding configuration files.
Default locations of logs:
- Windows:
- Linux and MacOS:
User can change default location and specify directory where the logs are stored by setting SMARTPEAK_LOGS
env variable.
If directory specified by the path doesn't exist, SmartPeak will create it.
- After successful installation of SmartPeak, on Windows open menu start and browse for relevant icon, you can also find the shortcut on desktop.
- If built SmartPeak from the source code, from the build directory run
for Mac and Linux, or./bin/[Debug or Release]/SmartPeakGUI
for Windows. Or double-clickSmartPeakGUI
executable in the file browser of your OS. - Start the session with
File | Load session from sequence
- Choose the corresponding directory with
Change dir
. The path to example folder can be shortened to f.e./data/GCMS_SIM_Unknowns
- Select the sequence file
- The integrity of the loaded data can be checked with
Actions | Integrity checks
. The results of the integrity checks can be viewed withView | Info
. - Edit the workflow with
Edit | Workflow
. You have an option to cherry pick the custom workflow or to choose the predefined set of operations. For example, the workflow steps for GC-MS SIM Unknowns are the following:
- View and verify the workflow steps and input files with
View | [table]
- The explorer panes can be used to filter the table views with
View | Injections or Transitions
. Click on the checkbox under plot or table to include or exclude the injection or tansition from the view.
- Changes to any of the input files can be made by reloading a modified .csv version of the file with
File | Import File
. - Run the workflow with
Actions | Run workflow
. Verify or change the data input/output directories before running the workflow.
- The status of the workflow can be monitored with
View | info
. An estimated time is available. This value is only a rough estimation. It will be updated regaluary while the workflow is running. The progress bar however shows workflow steps completed. As some steps can be longer to execute, it may not reflect remaining time. More details are available about the items that are currently running.
- Alternatively, a more detailed status can be obtained with
View | log
which will display the most recent SmartPeak log information.
- After the workflow has finished, the results can be viewed in a tabular form as a large data table with
View | features (table)
. The feature metavalues shown can be added or removed withView | Features
and clicking on the checkboxes under plot or table. For performance reasons, the amount of data that one can view is limited to 5000 entries. - The results can be viewed in a graphical form as a line plot or as a heatmap with
View | features (line)
or View | features (heatmap)
- The underlying data can also be displayed as a table matrix with
View | features (matrix)
. Samples, transitions, or feature metavalues can be included or excluded from any of the views using the explorer panes.
- The results of calibration curve fitting can be inspected with
View | Workflow settings | Quant Methods
- A detailed look at the calibration fitted model and selected points for the model can be seen with
View | Calibrators
- For debugging problematic peaks, the raw chromatographic data and the picked and selected peaks can be viewed graphically with
View | Chromatograms
. For performance reasons, the amount of data that one can view is limited to 9000 points.
- Export the results with
Actions | Report
. There is an option to choose the set of variables of interest
- The results will be exported to
in the same folder
The above applies for Mac and Linux.