This repository contains the source code and documentation of the Kendo UI Draggable package for React.
Currently, it includes the Draggable component.
For more information on upcoming Draggable features, refer to the Roadmap.
The Draggable is a higher-order React component that wraps the Kendo UI Draggable abstraction.
<div id="app"></div>
import * as React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Draggable from '@telerik/kendo-react-draggable';
class Component extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
pageX: React.PropTypes.number,
pageY: React.PropTypes.number,
pressed: React.PropTypes.bool
constructor(props) {
render() {
if (this.props.pressed) {
return (<div {...this.props} style={{ color: "red" }}>
<div>PageX: {this.props.pageX}</div>
<div>PageY: {this.props.pageY}</div>
return <span>Press me</span>;
const DraggableComponent = Draggable(Component);
<DraggableComponent />,
For more information on the underlying Draggable implementation, check the
of the Kendo UI Draggable package.
The Draggable is published as a public scoped NPM package in the Telerik organization in
Install it using NPM.
npm install --save @telerik/kendo-react-draggable;
Once installed, import the module.
// ES2015 module syntax
import Draggable from '@telerik/kendo-react-draggable';
// CommonJS format
var Draggable = require('@telerik/kendo-react-draggable');
To install the npm package, it is recommended that you use Node.js 5.0.0 or later versions.
The Draggable component supports the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari (OS X)
- Safari (iOS)
- Chrome (Android)
- IE/Edge
Below are explained the basic terms the suite for React applies.
A Component refers to a React Component.
A package contains one or more components, developed in a single repository and distributed in a single NPM package.