If you make some changes (for example image) - make sure image is saved as .WEBP & its small! - avoid large images, because performance will drop! use to reduce you'r images
Static media (not for single posts ect) There are 3 folders
fonts - setup there you'r all fonts - you don't want to get link to google - this can slow down you'r page, but if you needed, you can delete it and use google tags
images - Images are setup with typescript, so this component is easy to use & when you import image there you don't need to worry about use import for every single image
icons - Right now we don't have solution to import SVGA files into React with Astro, so its working the same as Images
Images can be stored in static/images and use it with srcLocal (typescript will give you types), also Image component can be display with "custom" link - use src instead of scrLocal:
<Image src="logo" alt="logo" width="50px" height="50px" />
To register new image check the images object and add image there
icons are stored in static/icons and use it with iconData (typescript will give you types)
<Icon iconData="home" alt="home" />
Use those components for media to keep best performance or in astro files use images from astro - also good!
Go to astro.config.mjs & change the
⚠️ siteURL⚠️ replace url with you'r domain https -
search for
⚠️ CHANGEME⚠️ in files & replace all instances -
Seo: search for
⚠️ YOUR META DESCRIPTION FOR SEO⚠️ and change this with your meta description of page - do the same for all you'r pages
SITEMAP: Sitemap is created by astro, but you need yo configure it a little bit
- Go to astro.config.mjs
- check how sitemap data is added (when you need more customization, check the commented lines)
If project contains Contact form
For contact form you need to replace those ID with the correct one. API: Other solution: If you want to add other solution, then change axios request with other solution - should work
service_id: "service_ID",
template_id: "template_TEMPLATE_ID",
user_id: "USER_ID",
All global styles like, colors, fonts, normalize or things like mediaQuery are stored in styles folder,
MediaQuery can be used with MIN & MAX OR BETWEEN - that means code will display depends on what we need to do:
@returns @media example: (min-width: 768px)
${MediaQuery.min(breakpoint)} {
@returns @media example: (min-width: 768px)
${MediaQuery.max(breakpoint)} {
@returns @media example: (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)
${MediaQuery.between("breakpoint1", "breakpoint2")} {
All colors are used as css var to have easier access in app
Command | Action |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:4321 |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run astro ... |
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npm run astro -- --help |
Get help using the Astro CLI |
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