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Developer Setup

Jim McCusker edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

Before you get started, please make sure you have a functional git, python with pip and virtualenv, as well as Java, and can use them from the command line. We will require a bash command line, so Linux and Mac work best. Feel free to use a virtual machine to make this easier.

To install git, pip, and virtualenv on apt-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.), do the following:

> sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-virtualenv python-setuptools libssl-dev python-dev

Once these have been installed, fork this repository and clone it to your computer. Then, to install the RDF database and setup the needed packages, simply run:


To start the RDF database (Blazegraph) in the background (that's what the ampersand is for) run:

> java -jar blazegraph.jar & 

To run Graphene itself, activate your virtualenv:

> source venv/bin/activate

And finally, run the graphene server:

> python runserver

You will need to register for an account to interact with Graphene.

Keeping your fork up to date

You will need to merge regularly to make sure you have the latest that's been merged into the top-level repository. When you clone, do the following:

git remote add upstream

This will let you merge from the upstream repository. When you want to re-merge with upstream, do the following:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
Clone this wiki locally