Integrated open-source software for urban autonomous driving. The following functions are supported:
- 3D Localization
- 3D Mapping
- Path Planning
- Path Following
- Accel/Brake/Steering Control
- Data Logging
- Car/Pedestrian/Object Detection
- Traffic Signal Detection
- Traffic Light Recognition
- Lane Detection
- Moving Object Tracking
- Sensor Calibration
- Sensor Fusion
- Cloud-based Dynamic Maps
- Android Navigation
- Simulation
- Gamificated HMI
Autoware is protected by BSD License. Please use it on your own responsibility. For safe use, we provide a ROSBAG-based simulation method for those who do not own real autonomous vehicles. In case that you use Autoware with real autonomous vehicles, please formulate safety measures and assessment of risk before field testing.
- RAM size: 32GB
- Storage size: 30GB
- ROS indigo(Ubuntu 14.04) or ROS jade(Ubuntu 15.04)
- OpenCV 2.4.8 or higher NOTE: Autoware does not support OpenCV 3. Please use OpenCV 2
- Qt 5.2.1 or higher
- CUDA(Optional)
- FlyCapture2(optional)
- Armadillo
Please use checkout revision before 2015/OCT/21 if you use Autoware on ROS hydro or Ubuntu 13.04, 13.10.
% sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full ros-indigo-nmea-msgs ros-indigo-nmea-navsat-driver ros-indigo-sound-play
% sudo apt-get install libnlopt-dev freeglut3-dev qtbase5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libssh2-1-dev libarmadillo-dev libpcap-dev gksu
NOTE: Please do not install ros-indigo-velodyne-pointcloud package. Please uninstall it if you already installed.
% sudo apt-get install ros-jade-desktop-full ros-jade-nmea-msgs ros-jade-nmea-navsat-driver ros-jade-sound-play
% sudo apt-get install libnlopt-dev freeglut3-dev qt5-default libqt5opengl5-dev libssh2-1-dev libarmadillo-dev libpcap-dev gksu
$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ cd ~/Autoware/ros/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ../
$ ./catkin_make_release
$ cd $HOME/Autoware/ros
$ ./run
Be careful for changing files under ros/src/sensing/drivers/lidar/packages/velodyne
. There is subtree.
Original repository is here. If you change those files from this
repository, you must use git subtree push. (Please never change and push code if you don't understand
git subtree
See Autoware/docs. As of Aug 25 2015, we provide only Japanese documents. English documents will be added shortly.
ROSBAG data of Moriyama driving
Autoware Developers ([email protected])