Serialize and restore immutable collections.
import conv from 'immutable-conv'
import {is, List, Map} from 'immutable'
let lst = List([3, 14, 15]),
serialized = conv.serialize(lst)
serialized === '{"$immutable.List":[3,14,15]}' // true
is(conv.parse(serialized), lst) // true
// conv.dump() returns the collection represented as a plain JSON structure
let map = (new Map())
.set(3, List([14]))
.set(List([15]), 9);
let dumped = conv.dump(map)
/* returns the structure:
{ "$immutable.Map": [
[ 3, { "$immutable.List": [ 14 ] } ],
[ { "$immutable.List": [ 15 ] }, 9 ]
] }
is(conv.restore(dumped), map) // true
Following types are serializeable:
- List
- Set
- OrderedSet
- Stack
- Map
- OrderedMap
- Range
- Repeat
Range and Repeat may be infinite:
// '{"$immutable.Range":[10,{"$Infinity":1},1]}'
Serializing arbitrary Seq, Collection or Iterable classes is not supported.
Records are not serializeable and should be added using #withRecord()
let Foo = Record({bar: null}),
foo = Foo({bar: 3})
// This would throw [Error: Dumping unregistered record]
// conv.serialize(foo)
conv = conv.withRecord(Foo, 'Foo')
// Method returns new converter.
// A name (second argument) is required for unnamed records
conv.serialize(foo) // {"$immutable.Foo": 3}
let Baz = Record({qux: null}, 'Baz'),
baz = Baz({qux: 14})
conv = conv.withRecord(Baz, null, 'mux')
// name is optional for named records
// third optional argument is a namespace
conv.serialize(baz) // {"$mux.Baz": 14}
Immutable-conv is based on conv. See the conv readme for basic api and examples.