This repo contains boilerplate tests for anyone to get started with API test automation using lemoncheesecake test framework.
- Python3
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
$ pip install venv virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv test-env
$ workon test-env
You will have virtual environment to use where you can install all your dependencies.
- Install all the dependencies.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Set the PYTHONPATH to your current working directory
export PYTHONPATH=</path/to/your/tests directory>
$ pwd
$ export PYTHONPATH=/home/username/sample/api-tests
- Make the changes in the config file for actual values, there is a config.ini too with actual values for execution.
mv config.ini.sample config.ini
Make the appropriate changes to base URL in config.ini file if needed.
- To run the test against QA env, set the environment variable appropriately.
export ENV=prod
Acceptable values for ENV variable are prod/qa for this configuration, you should be able to modify the tests according to your requirements.
- To execute the API tests:
lcc run
- To view the report on the console:
lcc report
This command will display the last generated report on the console.
- To view the HTML report in browser:
firefox report/report.html
In case of any questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out.
Compiled by: Anisha Narang