This repository contains my solutions to the "50 Days of JavaScript Challenge" by codedamn. Each day of the challenge focuses on a different JavaScript concept or topic, and I have provided my implementation for each challenge.
- About the Challenge
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
The "50 Days of JavaScript Challenge" is a comprehensive JavaScript learning program offered by codedamn. It aims to help learners strengthen their JavaScript skills by tackling a new concept or topic every day for 50 days. The challenge covers a wide range of JavaScript concepts, including DOM manipulation, arrays, objects, functions, ES6 features, and more.
To use the solutions, follow these steps:
Open the file for the specific day's challenge that you want to explore.
Read the challenge description, requirements, and constraints.
Examine the provided solution code and comments to understand the implementation.
If needed, modify or extend the code according to your requirements.
Run the code in your preferred JavaScript environment (e.g., browser console, Node.js, etc.) to see the output or test any changes you made.
Contributions to this solution repository are welcome! If you have a better or alternative solution to any of the challenges, feel free to open a pull request. Additionally, if you notice any issues or bugs, please open an issue on the repository.
The solutions in this repository are provided under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code for personal or educational purposes. Refer to the license file for more information.