This is a SASS utlity that extends the Angular Material Theming to create custom palettes. You can create your own custom palette by defining the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors and Accents in the theme file.
It includes support for both Light and Dark themes.
A large collection of Css Root variables i.e. Material Palette that can be used to define your own Sass variables or simply create custom Css classes by extending the variables.
- Step 1: Copy the Theme folder and place it in your NS Project
- Step 2: Include the theme scss import in your app.scss file
- Step 3: Add you own Css classes by extending the variables
Run the below command providing your main input Sass/Scss file, after including the theme import and view the output generated Css.
node-sass source/app.scss dest/app.css
The Project contains a sample demo, along with several sample Theme files