2.4.0 fixes release
- Add js script for translations. [TheYOSH]
- Added git checkout for Gentelella bootstrap 3 template if missing.
[TheYOSH] - Add better empty switches/sensors loading. [TheYOSH]
- Added heater and cooler timers fields. [TheYOSH]
- Added style code to hide rows when loading. [TheYOSH]
- Add some debugging. [TheYOSH]
- Add chaching header. Disabled webserver debug output. [TheYOSH]
- Fix translations. [TheYOSH]
- Fix dashboard environment. [TheYOSH]
- Fix environment. [TheYOSH]
- Fix spelling typos. [TheYOSH]
- Update US language. [TheYOSH]
- Updated system form fields. [TheYOSH]
- Update translations form fields. [TheYOSH]
- Rewritten environment code. Reduces a lot of code. [TheYOSH]
- Small changes. [TheYOSH]
- Remove w1 support for switches. [TheYOSH]
- Debug cleanup. [TheYOSH]
- Smaller image. [TheYOSH]