- Manual implementation of the Metropolis Hastings Random Walk algorithm 201905_metropolis-hastings.ipynb
- Step by step explanation of getting the conditional distribution of unknown points given data using gaussian processes and an exponential quadratic kernel
2018-09 Forward-Backward Algorithm for Hidden Markov Models
- Implements the algorithm to compute the probabilities of hidden states given observations
- Tries various models to predict the consumption of home appliances.
Manual fun implementation of factors for bayesian network. Application with generic disease (simplified Cystic Fibrosis)
Genetic_Bayesian_Network.ipynb -
Learning Structure and Parameters of the Flu dataset
PGMs_flu.ipynb -
A Tour of Bayesian Networks with pgmpy with a Restaurant CPD example
- Network elements emit health measurements (CPU temperature, signal quality, number of connected devices...). When measurement's Z-Score is above some threshold compared to expected value ==> anomaly
- This notebook shows how a neural network can learn to predict from historical data increases of customer calls when network anomalies are detected
- Example of Singular Value Decomposition applied to Image Compression
- Shows how K-Means clustering can be used to build an expected signal, can be used later to detect anomalies
- Find how the badges at a 1994 machine learning conference were labeled
- This is a study of this data set: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Adult
This tries several methods to get the best F1 score. Focuses on various feature selection methods
- Shows how SVM with RBF kernel can better fit non linear data (toy example)
- Manual by-the-book implementation of gradient descent
- Manual implementation of Naive Bayes classification to understand what's under the hood!
- Application to email spam classification with Naive Bayes
- Using KNN algo to detect non linear boundaries