Account Purser is a self-hosted web application which scans your Gmail inbox to generate a list of all accounts you own. You can also gain insight into your security by checking which accounts are stored in your password manager, for example 1Password and LastPass.
- You sign into your Gmail Account
- Purser will perform search queries in your Gmail inbox to find your registred accounts. It will use queries like
andthank you for signing up
. (you can find the full list insearch_queries.js
) - Your accounts will be presented in a table. You can see the account name, email address and website
Optionally you can check which accounts are stored in your password manager:
- Drag an export file of your password manager in Purser
- The list of accounts will now show if the account is found in the export file
I completely understand if you're wary of using an application like this; the reason I wrote this app is because I don't want to trust my sensitive data to a third party app. I have taken some steps to ensure Purser is safe to use:
- It's open source
- It's self-hosted
- You have to set up the Gmail API yourself
- It's written in (minimal) vanilla Javascript without using any third party libraries.
- It doesn't communicate with any third party service (apart from the Gmail API)
- You can import your password manager exports without it containing your actual passwords
- A (local) web server
- Gmail account
- Clone the repo to any folder
- Turn on the Gmail API. See Step 1 of the Google quickstart for instructions.
- Rename .env.example to .env and place your Gmail Client_ID in this file
- Start a web server. You could start a quick server with Python: Python 2.X:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
, Python 3.Xpython -m http.server 8000
- Load the URL http://localhost:8000/ into your browser.
You can add new search queries in the search_queries.js
file. Add quotes (") to be more precise with your search queries.