DGS 3.508
DGS Update 3.508 Stable(24/Feb/2021)
- Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorImage
- Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorImage
- Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorEnabled
- Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorEnabled
- Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorSize
- Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorSize
- Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorType
- Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorColor
- Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorColor
- Added Event: onDgsCursorTypeChange
- Refactored: Assert of DGS plugins
- Removed: Legacy blurbox
- Refactored: Assert in manager.lua
- Remove: dgsSetSide/dgsGetSide
- Added: dgsSetPositionAlignment/dgsGetPositionAlignment
- Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundImage
- Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemBackGroundImage
- Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundColor
- Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemBackGroundColor
- Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemTextOffset
- Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemTextOffset
- Changed: Order of optional argument of dgsCreateScrollBar was at a mess, check wiki for latest order
- Fixed: Scroll bar is unscrollable
- Enhanced: iconOffset of button
- Reverted: change of onDgsMouseClick
- Added Event: onDgsMousePreClick which is cancelable.
- Fixed: wrong detect area when attaching to grid list
- Removed: Uncomfortable scroll bar focus of grid list
- Renamed: movetyp property of window -> moveType
- Added Function: dgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign
- Added Function: dgsWindowSetVerticalAlign
- Added Function: dgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign
- Added Function: dgsWindowGetVerticalAlign
- Added Property: "iconShadow" of dgs button
- Added Property: "shadow" of dgs image
- Fixed: preSelect of gridlist doesn't work when enter an element that is attached to the gridlist.
- Fixed: Strange behavior of onDgsGridListHover
- Renamed: MouseData.enter -> MouseData.entered; MouseData.lastEnter -> MouseData.left
- Added Function: dgsGridListGetPreselectedItem
-- - Added: Experimental syntax for all DGS elements (dgsCreateButton{x=30,y=300,w=90,h=34,text="hello world",rlt=false})