A simple web application built with Ruby on Rails (API) and React (Frontend) to generate monthly journal entries for accounting based on CSV order data.
- Import Orders from CSV 📂
- Generate Monthly Journal Entries 📊
- API Endpoint for Data Retrieval 🔗
- React UI for Viewing Data 🎨
cd blue_onion
bundle install
rails db:migrate
Move your CSV file into the db/
folder and run:
rails import:orders
rails server
Your API will be running at http://localhost:3000
cd front-end
npm install
npm start
Your React app will be running at http://localhost:3001
GET http://localhost:3000/journal_entries?month=2023-01
📌 Response Example
"month": "2023-01",
"journal_entries": {
"accounts_receivable": { "debit": 1200, "credit": 800 },
"revenue": { "debit": 0, "credit": 900 },
"shipping_revenue": { "debit": 0, "credit": 50 },
"sales_tax_payable": { "debit": 0, "credit": 150 },
"cash": { "debit": 800, "credit": 0 }