Releases: tifod/tifod-website
Fixed duplicate project id key
It was creating project with duplicate id
New reading mode
Now projects are clean, and if you need more infos / action, just click on the post to show buttons and infos.
Also some problems due to ajax implementation are fixed, all is smooth now.
Homepage text improved
Hope it describes more what tifod is about
Dev tools improved
About the webhook provided by Github if you wonder what about
Small dev feature added
visit "/version" to get the version number
Design fix
css/js last version + design fix css/js latest version was not on the base template design fix for space before footer
Homepage redesign!
With a new drawing and a beautiful new footer, I hope it will look more pro :)
Always the latest css/js, but for real this time
The server was putting in cache the file version.txt, and so there was a delay between version update, and when the file was effectively updated. To fix that we put the version in database instead of a file. We created a table for that, "platform_data" (It will surely be useful in the future)
Always the last css/js! + text editor fix
text editor was created every time the "add content" button was clicked
About having always the last js/css, it's just putting in the url the tag of the current site version
Text editor + twig cache added + design improved
1.4.0 markdown help text added