Go-Caregiver wraps an application with log rotation capability and provide environment variables via configuration file.
To install this application, make sure you have go installed in your machine, and run the following command:
go get -v github.com/tiket-libre/go-caregiver
Suppose you have a binary to run your web application called dummy-server
, and to pass configuration to your application, you only supports environment variables; and you don't have a log policy defined in your application, as you think that is not the main purpose of your application, and you shouldn't be burdened from it.
Go-Caregiver aims to help operations on running said application using a file, containing the application's variables, and how the log rotation policy should be. A sample configuration will look like this.
"service": {
"VARIABLE": "example",
"ANOTHER_VARIABLE": 15.5182379128379123
"log": {
"filename": "output.log",
"maxsize": 10,
"maxbackups": 0,
"maxage": 0,
"compress": false
To run go-caregiver, provide the path to configuration file using the CONFIG
variable and then pass any command you want to wrap after the go-caregiver
CONFIG=config.json go-caregiver dummy-server