Application listens to changes in the Cassandra, constructs json object representing modifications and sends it to the Kafka.
- This Cassandra trigger able to detect modifications on different data types: UDT, LIST, MAP, SET, TUPLE, COUNTER and primitives.
- This Cassandra trigger also can retrieve deleted items from partition update
- Java 8
- Cassandra 3.11.5
- Kafka 2.2.2
- Zookeeper 3.4.6
- First of all, you need to build jar file using the following command
$ ./gradlew clean jar
- Start docker containers:
$ docker-compose up --build
- Connect to cassandra using Cassandra CLI:
$ cqlsh
- Create sample keyspace:
'class' : 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor' : 1
- Create sample table
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_teams (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
firstname text,
lastname text,
teams map<int, text>
- Bind trigger with this table:
CREATE TRIGGER kafka_trigger ON cycling.cyclist_teams USING 'kz.tim.TriggerImpl';
- Perform simple insert:
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_teams (
id, firstname, lastname, teams
2015 : 'Rabobank-Liv Woman Cycling Team',
2014 : 'Rabobank-Liv Woman Cycling Team'
- Connect to Kafka consumer and check update messages:
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic test-topic
- Profit :)
Record key is the concatenation of the partition keys of the Cassandra partition and serialized by StringSerializer
Record value also uses StringSerializer
, content of the value is in JSON format and
has the following structure:
Partition deleted message:
"keyspaceName": "keyspace_name",
"columnFamilyName": "table_name",
"partitionKeys": {
"partition_key_name": "partition_key_value"
"isDeleted": true
Row inserted/updated/deleted message:
"keyspaceName": "keyspace_name",
"columnFamilyName": "table_name",
"partitionKeys": {
"partition_key_name": "partition_key_value"
"eventType": "ROW",
"row": {
"action": "update", //[INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE]
"clusteringKeys": {
"clustering_key_name": "clustering_key_value"
"affectedCells": [
"name": "column_name",
"value": "column_value",
"type": "cell_type" //[UDT, LIST, MAP, SET, TUPLE, SIMPLE]
"name": "another_column_name",
"type": "SIMPLE",
"isDeleted": true,
"name": "other_name",
"value": "column_value",
"type": "SET",
"deletedItems": []
Slice deletions with clustering keys: Example table:
CREATE TABLE cycling.rank_by_year_and_name (
race_year int,
race_name text,
cyclist_name text,
rank int,
PRIMARY KEY ((race_year, race_name), rank) );
CQL query;
delete from rank_by_year_and_name where rank > 1 and race_year = 10 and race_name = 'abc';
Since deletion if performed using clustering key rank
, Kafka message will be following:
"keyspaceName": "cycling",
"columnFamilyName": "rank_by_year_and_name",
"partitionKeys": {},
"row": null,
"rangeTombstoneMarker": {
"bounds": [
"clusteringKey": {
"rank": 1
"inclusive": false
"start": true
"deleted": false
Description of the cell fields:
- name - string - name of the updated cell
- deleted - boolean - if cell deleted or not
- value - any - value of the cell
- type - enum - type of the cell:
- UDT - for user-defined type, ex
- LIST - for lists, ex
['abc', 'def', 'abc']
- MAP - for maps, ex
{1: 'Peter', 2: 'John'}
- SET - for sets, ex
{1, 2, 3, 4}
- TUPLE - for tuples, ex
(3, 'bar', 2.1)
- COUNTER - for counters, ex
- SIMPLE - for other primitive types, ex
- UDT - for user-defined type, ex
- deletedItems - set - contains deleted items, can be used only with
cell types:- if cell type is MAP, then deletedItems will contain keys of the deleted objects.
For the following query:
UPDATE cycling.cyclist_teams SET teams = teams - {'2013','2014'} WHERE id=e7cd5752-bc0d-4157-a80f-7523add8dbcd;
, deletedItems will contain{'2013','2014'}
- if cell type is SET, then deletedItems will contain deleted objects.
For the following query:
UPDATE cycling.cyclist_career_teams SET teams = teams - {'WOMBATS'} WHERE id = 5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2;
, deletedItems will contain{'WOMBATS'}
- if cell type is MAP, then deletedItems will contain keys of the deleted objects.
For the following query:
From documentation:
A range tombstone is a tombstone that covers a slice/range of rows.
Deletions where clustering keys are used with comparison operators (>, >=, =, =<, <
), causes trigger to produce RangeTombstoneMarker