Vnc2swf is a cross-platform screen recording tool for ShockWave Flash (swf), Flash Video (flv), MPEG and raw VNCRev and noVNC format.
The noVNC output support is added by, the VPlayer (Tiny noVNC Player) of Showdesk can replay it.
Here is the Python version, please get more information from its original homepage.
- For documentation, see docs/pyvnc2swf.html.
- Homepage:
- Download: pyvnc2swf-0.9.5.tar.gz
- Discussion:
Update: Development of vnc2swf is now superseded by its successor, vnc2flv. (2009/10/03)
- Jesse Ruderman (Seekbar javascript code)
- Radoslaw Grzanka (MemoryError bug fix)
- Luis Fernando Kauer (VNC protocol error fix, cursor pseudo-encoding support, FLV support, lots of bugfixes)
- Rajesh Menon (OSX assertion error fix)
- Vincent Pelletier (MPEG encoding support)
- Uchida Yasuo (Windows file bug fix)
- Andy Leszczynski (MP3 and PyMedia bug fix)
- David Fraser (audio recording with PyMedia)
- Noises with non-multiple scaling (e.g. 0.7)
- Ctrl-C at bad timings might cause the program abort.
- Sometimes MPEGVideoStream crashes. (pymedia? - I couldn't replay.)
- Timing issue (esp. notable in vnclog)
- Audio support on FLV.
- Neat GUI.
- Authoring tool. (combining, and
- Cursor shadow support.
- Improve image scaling. (specify the scale ratio by size)
- Screen snapshot tool (with no animation).
- Distribution of Windows/Mac binaries. (py2exe, py2app)
- Audio recording/replay with PyMedia.
- Stop recording remotely.
- FLV editing.
Use raw commands:
$ x11vnc -quiet -cursor -viewonly -bg -localhost -nopw && ./ -n -o out.swf :0
$ tcpserver -vRHl0 localhost 10000 sh -c 'x11vnc -quiet -bg -nopw -viewonly -localhost -cursor -wait 10 -defer 10 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo HTTP/1.0 200 OK && echo Content-Type: video/x-flv && echo && ./ -n -t flv -o -'
Use commands wrapper:
$ tools/ # Record the session
$ tools/ # Replay the session