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@tminglei tminglei released this 24 Feb 10:42
· 968 commits to master since this release
  1. add ?-contained operators support
  2. add plain sql support for composite

Note: nextXXXArray/nextXXXArrayOptions in PgArraySupport.SimpleArrayPlainImplicits are unified to nextArray[XXX]/nextArrayOption[XXX].

But, not all array of types are built-in supported, it just means that you can get them in a unified way.

For unsupported array of types, you can extend it by overriding the method of SimpleArrayPlainImplicits.extNextArray, as I did in MyPostgresDriver:

    override protected def extNextArray(tpe: u.Type, r: PositionedResult): (Boolean, Option[Seq[_]]) =
      tpe match {
        case tpe if tpe.typeConstructor =:= u.typeOf[LTree].typeConstructor =>
          (true, r.nextStringOption().flatMap(fromString(LTree.apply)))
        case _ => super.extNextArray(tpe, r)