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Interspecies Point Projection - A tool for comparative genomics beyond alignable sequence

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IPP - Interspecies Point Projection

A tool for comparative genomics beyond direct sequence alignments



If you are using IPP, please cite our preprint


Method background

IPP method background

Mapping of orthologous regions between genomes using either direct (blue) or bridged (orange) projections with IPP. Direct = pairwise alignments between mouse (top) and chicken (bottom). Bridged = pairwise alignments between mouse and chicken to a ‘bridging species’ e.g. human (middle).

For a genomic region with conserved synteny, any non-alignable coordinate can be approximately projected from one genome to another by linear interpolation of its relative position between two alignable anchor points. The accuracy of such interpolations negatively correlates with the distance to the anchor points. Therefore, projections between species with large evolutionary distances (e.g. > 200 my) tend to be inaccurate due to a low anchor point density. Including so-called bridging species may increase the anchor point density and thus improve projection accuracy. The optimal choice and combination of bridging species may vary from one genomic location to another. This presents a shortest path problem in a graph where every node is a species and the weighted edges between nodes represent distances of genomic locations to their anchor points (|x - a|). We established a scoring function that exponentially decreases with increasing distances |x - a|. The shortest path problem is solved using Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm (Dijkstra, 1959).


Check out our preprint to see the applications of IPP being fully leveraged and validated as a viable strategy to uncover divergent sequences across distantly related species. This repository provides the source code and input files necessary to run IPP.

IPP has also been previously applied HERE and HERE


  1. Download or clone the repository from Github and go to the directory.
  2. Make sure the following modules are installed: os, sys, numpy, pandas, argparse, tabulate, tqdm, pyranges
  3. Compile the module: python build
  4. Tell python where to look for your module. Use the directory that is created according to your python version, e.g.: export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/IPP_directory/build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.10/ Check the last folder, it might be different than what is stated here. Write the line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile if you want it to be set in every new shell session.

Installation should take at most 1-2 minutes on a standard computer (Tested on a workstation with 16GB RAM and 8 cores).

Quick start

Project any regions of interest from one species to another. The following files need to be provided:

  1. regions.bed - A BED file containing the regions of interest in the first species
  2. pwaln file generated for the species pair - A binarized collection of pairwise alignments between the reference, target, and all bridging species. We describe below how to obtain this.

For example, to project a set of enhancers from mm39 (reference) to galGal6 (target) using 10 cores:

python -o ipp_output/ -n 10 ./enhancers.mm39.bed mm39 galGal6 ./mm39.galGal6.pwaln.bin

Projection with IPP can be done quickly (< 1 minute on single-core) even for input BED file consisting of thousands of genomic regions.


Run python -h for a detailed description:

positional arguments:
  regions_file          Bed file containing genomic coordinates. regions with width > 1 will be centered.
  ref                   Reference species
  qry                   Query species

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Directory for output files (default: ./ipp-data/)
  -sdc SCORE_DC, --score_DC SCORE_DC
                        Score threshold for direct conservation detection (default: 0.98)
  -sic SCORE_IC, --score_IC SCORE_IC
                        Score threshold for indirect conservation detection (default: 0.84)
  -ddc DISTANCE_DC, --distance_DC DISTANCE_DC
                        Distance threshold for direct conservation detection. Regions up to this distance to the closest anchor will be considered as directly conserved. Used instead of score_threshold.
                        (default: None)
  -dic DISTANCE_IC, --distance_IC DISTANCE_IC
                        Distance threshold for indirect conservation detection. Regions up to this distance to the closest anchor will be considered as indirectly conserved. Used instead of score_threshold.
                        (default: None)
  -dfc DISTANCE_FC, --distance_FC DISTANCE_FC
                        Distance threshold for functional conservation detection. Regions up to this distance to the closest region in the target_bedfile will be considered as functionally conserved.
                        (default: 500)
  -n N_CORES, --n_cores N_CORES
                        Number of CPUs (default: 1)
  -t TARGET_BEDFILE, --target_bedfile TARGET_BEDFILE
                        Functional regions in target species to check for overlap with projections for classification (default: None)
  -q, --quiet           Do not produce any log output (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Produce additional debugging output (default: False)
  -c, --simple_coords   Make coord numbers in debug output as small as possible (default: False)
  -a, --include_anchors Include anchors in results table (default: False)

Required Input

In addition to a .bed file containing genomic regions of interest from a reference species (e.g. mm39), the other required input for IPP is a .pwaln file, which is a binarized collection of pairwise alignments between the reference, target, and all bridging species. We provide a set of precomputed .pwaln files for selected comparisons across vertebrate species. The set of bridging species used for these files are the same as those described in our preprint. The provided collection includes files for comparisons where mouse (mm39), human(hg38) and chicken (galGal6) serve as the reference genomes. These large files are stored separately from github and can be downloaded HERE

Generate custom alignments

We provide a Snakemake pipeline to compute your own alignment collections for your choice of species. For that, run compute_alignments/compute_pairwise_alignments. The script will guide you through the whole alignment process from fasta to chain files. Make sure all dependencies are installed, including LAST and utilities to handling chain files from UCSC: axtChain, chainMergeSort, and chainPreNet.

In the output directory (defined by the -d flag), the pipeline will create a predefined folder structures to store relevant inputs like fasta files. The pipeline will try to look for genome fasta files from UCSC from the provided list of species (flag -s), but you can of course use your own custom genomes. In this case, store these fasta files under <output_directory_name>/fasta.

Usage: compute_pairwise_alignments -s SPECIES -t TARGETS [optional: -d DATA_DIR -f FORCE -@ NTHREADS -n DRY_RUN]

required (one or the other):
  -s SPECIES      Comma-separated list or file (first column) with species (genome builds) for which to compute pairwise alignments
  -t TARGETS      Comma-separated list or file with target files (e.g. a list of chain files) to be produced

  -c CREATE_PWALN_COLLECTION		Flag for creating the pwaln collection file. Used as input for IPP
  -r REFERENCE		Reference species. Necessary for naming the collection file
  -q QUERY			Query species. Necessary for naming the collection file. If no query is provided, will generate for all non-reference species. 
  -d DATA_DIR   		Output directory. The script will create a predefined folder structure in that directory. (e.g. separate folders for alignment files, fasta files, etc.)
  -f FORCE			Force execution and overwriting existing files. Possible values: none (default) | space-separated rule names | all
  -@ NTHREADS     	Number of parallel threads
  -n DRY_RUN      	Flag for a dry run, i.e. only print the commands instead of executing
  -! SNAKEMAKE_ARGS		Optional arguments for Snakemake in quotes, i.e. -! "--debug-dag --unlock -p"

With these, you can create the final collection of pairwise alignments .pwaln between reference, target and a given set of bridging species that is used for running IPP. For example, to generate the required .pwaln file for a mouse-chicken comparison using our seletected bridging species (provided as a text file `species_ipp.txt') using 10 cores:

compute_alignments/compute_pairwise_alignments -s ./species_ipp.txt -r mm39 -q galGal6 -c -d ./outdir -@ 10

Computing these large alignment files is time- and resource- consuming. We recommend running the pipeline on a large computing server with multi-core processing.

Output files

IPP takes the center bp of each input region to project them from the reference to the target genome. After projections for ./enhancers.mm39.bed as an example from mm39 to galGal6, IPP returns 4 output files. These are:

  1. enhancers.mm39.mm39-galGal6.proj. This is the main results containing all the relevant information about the projection, i.e. mapped coordinates in target genomes, projection score, classification of conservation based on set threshold, or which bridging species were used. More details of the fields are provided below:
id peak/region name from input BED4
coords_ref coordinates of projected bp from ref genome
coords_direct coordinates of projected bp at target genome using direct alignment
coords_multi coordinates of projected bp at target genome using bridged alignment
score_direct projection score using direct alignment (0-1.0)
score_multi projection score using bridged alignment (0-1.0)
sequence_conservation sequence conservation classifcation (DC, IC, or NC) based on input thresholds (defined by -sdc, -sic, -ddc, -dic)
functional_conservation classification of conserved activity in the target genome provided input functional data (e.g. ATAC-seq peaks) as + (overlapping/functionally conserved) or - (non-overlapping)
bridging_species bridging species used
  • A portion of this output file can look like so:
id coords_ref coords_direct coords_multi score_direct score_multi sequence_conservation functional_conservation bridging_species
peak_0 chr1:3262103 chr2:110998715 0 0.534 NC susScr11,hg38,droNov1
peak_3 chr1:3741963 chr2:110760891 chr2:110760796 0.973 0.976 IC hg38
peak_2 chr1:3984056 chr2:110692613 chr2:110692900 0 0.643 NC ornAna4
peak_9 chr1:4642083 chr2:110488685 chr2:110488706 0.993 1 DC hg38
peak_11 chr1:4692857 chr2:110468156 chr2:110466809 0.715 0.947 IC rn6
  • Optionally, details about anchor points will be additionally written to this .proj output file with the -a flag. Here, coordinates of the start/end anchor points to the left and right in the ref/target genomes using direct/bridged alignments are provided in dedicated fields.
  1. enhancers.mm39.galGal6.bed. a color-coded BED9 file containing the coordinates of projected regions in the target genome galGal6 with corresponding classifications
chr2    110998715       110998716       peak_0_chr1:3262103_NC  0.534   .       110998715       110998716       141,153,174
chr2    110760796       110760797       peak_3_chr1:3741963_IC  0.976   .       110760796       110760797       253,180,98
chr2    110692900       110692901       peak_2_chr1:3984056_NC  0.643   .       110692900       110692901       141,153,174
  1. enhancers.mm39.mm39.bed. a color-coded BED9 file containing the coordinates of projected regions in the reference genome mm39 with corresponding classifications
chr1    3262103 3262104 peak_0_chr2:110998715_NC        0.534   .       3262103 3262104 141,153,174
chr1    3741963 3741964 peak_3_chr2:110760796_IC        0.976   .       3741963 3741964 253,180,98
chr1    3984056 3984057 peak_2_chr2:110692900_NC        0.643   .       3984056 3984057 141,153,174
  1. enhancers.mm39.mm39-galGal6.unmapped. a list of regions where projections were not possible.


Interspecies Point Projection - A tool for comparative genomics beyond alignable sequence






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