This application is created using Node, Express, Mongo DB and Angular JS.
Testing of the application is carried out with Protractor running end to end tests using the Mocha javascript testing framework and the Chai assertion library.
Package management is handled by npm and bower.
Less css is used as the css preprocessor and the build process is handled by gulp.
Currently the only purpose of this project is to allow me to practice my development skills and to enable me to try different tools and workflows within a project.
sudo apt-get install mongodb
curl -sL | bash
sudo apt-get install nodejs
git clone [email protected]:tominovak33/meanapp.git
cd meanapp
npm install
node_modules/.bin/gulp develop (or `npm run build`)
On new install:
Download the required selenium files for selenium to start:
./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
Before running tests (leave running)
./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager start
Testing: ./node_modules/.bin/protractor
or npm run test
User permission level is set to an integer (higher indicating more priveledged user)
- 0 : Unverified User - No priveledges
- 1 : Verified User - No priviledges (some may be added later when the application gets more features)
- 2 : Author - Has the ability to create posts
- 5 : Editor - Has the ability to edit other users posts + Everything above
- 10 : Admin - Has the ability to edit other users (including verifying or deleting) + Everything above
- 33 : User can do anything that the system is capable of doing