Provides a dockerised environment and an initial database schema and data to play around with data build tool and Apache Airflow.
A postgres database container is created by the docker compose file.
Database setup is performed on startup by applying database migrations to create the schema and populate it with faked data.
Liquibase is used as the database migration tool and is created as a docker container that runs against the database, conditional on the database reaching a healthy state.
dbt provides functionality to transformation data for analysis or consumption. It is generally used for the Transform part of ELT pipelines.
Apache Airflow provides batch workflow functionality including scheduling and monitoring. Extract and Load pipelines can be written and run in Airflow to provide the source data to be Transformed by dbt.
Create a .env file in the project root directory based on the .env_example
Generate a (connection parameter compatible) secure password:
openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 64
Setup the docker environment by first building the containers contained in the docker-compose.yml file.
docker compose build
Startup the docker environmement to create the database, run the initial liquibase migrations and setup Airflow.
docker compose up -d
dbt commands can be run within the dbt_playground directory to debug, test and run models.
Create the profile for dbt to use to connect to the source database.
If you haven't installed dbt previously, create a .dbt folder in your home directory and create a profiles.yml file:
cd ~
mkdir .dbt
cd .dbt
touch profiles.yml
Add a profile for the dbt-playground to the profiles.yml file:
dbname: <DB_NAME from your .env file>
host: localhost
pass: <DB_PASSWORD from your .env file>
port: 5432
schema: dbt
threads: 1
type: postgres
user: <DB_USER from your .env file>
target: dev
From the learn-dbt project directory, change into the dbt_playground directory:
cd dbt_playground
Test the setup and database connection by running:
dbt debug
Install the dbt dependencies:
dbt deps
Load the seed data:
dbt seed
Run the dbt models:
dbt run
Build the documentation:
dbt docs generate
View the documentation (when Airflow isn't running due to port conflict):
dbt docs serve
Some example usage
When the docker environment is running, the Airflow UI can be accessed at: http://localhost:8080
Sign in with username: airflow, password: airflow
Create a database connection for the example to use:
- Navigate to Admin > Connections
- Add a new connection of type postgres
- Enter the connection_id as "postgres_dag_connection" to match the one set in the file
- Use the connection parameters from the project .env file