A reference implementation of a script which:
- Fetches the verification contract address for a given code cell hash
- Checks whether the contract is deployed, which indicates verification exists
- Reads verification data, which is a pointer to a JSON stored in IPFS
npm install
npm install -g ts-node
ts-node index.ts
Output should be similar to:
> ts-node index.ts
💎 Fetching IPFS link for an existing verified code cell hash
isDeployed EQDQFvw7nKq9YQnz4BeMBBYE5MckM7soy3q8EHV-UwWr4oXC true
IPFS Link ipfs://Qmd4B1Xc6hy4XsEBuRh1kRhfwCXtXfT7fimJAD2fuGdMQJ
💎 Fetching IPFS link for a nonexistent code cell hash
isDeployed EQCbX7RvnHaV148Cc-tnkWpDDju4qksbA_84WyMu-g-kHSJ9 false