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Adjust to change of annotations type in Base
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By popular demand, the type of an annotation is changing from a
Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}} to a
NamedTuple{(:region, :label, :value), Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Symbol,

This necessitates some adjustments in the StyledStrings codebase.
  • Loading branch information
tecosaur committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent b89dd99 commit 19bd57b
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Showing 2 changed files with 39 additions and 41 deletions.
68 changes: 33 additions & 35 deletions src/JuliaSyntaxHighlighting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,33 +154,31 @@ struct HighlightContext{S <: AbstractString}

_hl_annotations(content::AbstractString, ast::GreenNode) -> Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}
_hl_annotations(content::AbstractString, ast::GreenNode)
-> Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int}, label::Symbol, value::Any}}
Generate a list of `(range, annot)` pairs for the given `content` and `ast`.
Generate a list of annotations for the given `content` and `ast`.
The `range` is a `UnitRange{Int}` that indexes into `ctx.content` and
`annot` is a `Pair` of the form `:face => <face>`.
Each annotation takes the form of a `@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int}, label::Symbol, value::Any}`,
where the region indexes into `content` and the value is a `julia_*` face name.
This is a small wrapper around [`_hl_annotations!`](@ref) for convenience.
function _hl_annotations(content::AbstractString, ast::GreenNode; syntax_errors::Bool = false)
highlights = Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}()
highlights = Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int}, label::Symbol, value::Any}}()
ctx = HighlightContext(content, zero(UInt), ast, ParenDepthCounter())
_hl_annotations!(highlights, GreenLineage(ast, nothing), ctx; syntax_errors)

_hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}},
_hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int}, label::Symbol, value::Any}},
lineage::GreenLineage, ctx::HighlightContext)
Populate `highlights` with `(range, annot)` pairs for the given `lineage` and `ctx`,
Populate `highlights` with annotations for the given `lineage` and `ctx`,
where `lineage` is expected to be consistent with `ctx.offset` and `ctx.lnode`.
The `range` is a `UnitRange{Int}` that indexes into `ctx.content` and
`annot` is a `Pair` of the form `:face => <face>`.
function _hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}},
function _hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int}, label::Symbol, value::Any}},
lineage::GreenLineage, ctx::HighlightContext; syntax_errors::Bool = false)
(; node, parent) = lineage
(; content, offset, lnode, pdepths) = ctx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +238,7 @@ function _hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol,
elseif nkind == K"`" || nkind == K"```"; :julia_cmdstring
elseif nkind == K"Char"
kind(lnode) == K"'" && !isempty(highlights) &&
(highlights[end] = (highlights[end][1], :face => :julia_char_delim))
(highlights[end] = (highlights[end][1], :face, :julia_char_delim))
elseif nkind == K"'" && kind(lnode) == K"Char"; :julia_char_delim
elseif nkind == K"true" || nkind == K"false"; :julia_bool
Expand All @@ -249,8 +247,8 @@ function _hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol,
if nkind == K"="
ifelse(ppkind == K"for", :julia_keyword, :julia_assignment)
else # updating for <op>=
push!(highlights, (firstindex(content)+offset:node.span+offset-1, :face => :julia_operator))
push!(highlights, (node.span+offset:node.span+offset, :face => :julia_assignment))
push!(highlights, (firstindex(content)+offset:node.span+offset-1, :face, :julia_operator))
push!(highlights, (node.span+offset:node.span+offset, :face, :julia_assignment))
elseif nkind == K";" && pkind == K"parameters" && pnode == lnode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,19 +321,19 @@ function _hl_annotations!(highlights::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol,
!isnothing(face) &&
push!(highlights, (region, :face => face))
push!(highlights, (region, :face, face))
if nkind == K"Comment"
for match in eachmatch(
code = first(match.captures)
push!(highlights, (firstindex(content)+offset+code.offset:firstindex(content)+offset+code.offset+code.ncodeunits-1,
:face => :code))
:face, :code))
elseif nkind == K"String"
for match in eachmatch(r"\\.", regionstr)
push!(highlights, (firstindex(content)+offset+match.offset-1:firstindex(content)+offset+match.offset+ncodeunits(match.match)-2,
:face => :julia_backslash_literal))
:face, :julia_backslash_literal))
isempty(node.args) && return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,13 +370,13 @@ julia> JuliaSyntaxHighlighting.highlight("sum(1:8)")
julia> JuliaSyntaxHighlighting.highlight("sum(1:8)") |> Base.annotations
6-element Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}:
(1:3, :face => :julia_funcall)
(4:4, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1)
(5:5, :face => :julia_number)
(6:6, :face => :julia_operator)
(7:7, :face => :julia_number)
(8:8, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1)
6-element Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}}:
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((1:3, :face, :julia_funcall))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((4:4, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((5:5, :face, :julia_number))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((6:6, :face, :julia_operator))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((7:7, :face, :julia_number))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((8:8, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1))
function highlight end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,26 +420,26 @@ julia> JuliaSyntaxHighlighting.highlight!(str)
julia> Base.annotations(str)
6-element Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}:
(1:3, :face => :julia_funcall)
(4:4, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1)
(5:5, :face => :julia_number)
(6:6, :face => :julia_operator)
(7:7, :face => :julia_number)
(8:8, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1)
6-element Vector{@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}}:
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((1:3, :face, :julia_funcall))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((4:4, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((5:5, :face, :julia_number))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((6:6, :face, :julia_operator))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((7:7, :face, :julia_number))
@NamedTuple{region::UnitRange{Int64}, label::Symbol, value}((8:8, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1))
function highlight!(str::AnnotatedString; syntax_errors::Bool = false)
for (range, annot) in _hl_annotations(str.string, parseall(GreenNode, str.string, ignore_errors=true); syntax_errors)
annotate!(str, range, annot)
for ann in _hl_annotations(str.string, parseall(GreenNode, str.string, ignore_errors=true); syntax_errors)
annotate!(str, ann.region, ann.label, ann.value)

function highlight!(str::SubString{AnnotatedString{S}}; syntax_errors::Bool = false) where {S}
plainstr = SubString{S}(str.string.string, str.offset, str.ncodeunits, Val(:noshift))
for (range, annot) in _hl_annotations(plainstr, parseall(GreenNode, plainstr, ignore_errors=true); syntax_errors)
annotate!(str, range, annot)
for ann in _hl_annotations(plainstr, parseall(GreenNode, plainstr, ignore_errors=true); syntax_errors)
annotate!(str, ann.region, ann.label, ann.value)
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ using Test
# This also avoids testing as much of the particulars of JuliaSyntax.

sum1to8_highlighted = Base.AnnotatedString("sum(1:8)", [
(1:3, :face => :julia_funcall),
(4:4, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1),
(5:5, :face => :julia_number),
(6:6, :face => :julia_operator),
(7:7, :face => :julia_number),
(8:8, :face => :julia_rainbow_paren_1)
(1:3, :face, :julia_funcall),
(4:4, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1),
(5:5, :face, :julia_number),
(6:6, :face, :julia_operator),
(7:7, :face, :julia_number),
(8:8, :face, :julia_rainbow_paren_1)

@test highlight("sum(1:8)") == sum1to8_highlighted
Expand Down

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