Sorry, this project has been depricated.
Provides simple methods for accessing the Workday SOAP API.
This simple Powershell Module has been written to fulfill my employer's Workday automation needs. I see this as a prototype, while I experiment with the best way to expose the complexities of the Workday API in a Powershell-y way. Thinking that the community might find it helpful and may even wish to comment or contribute, I have hosted the source on GitHub (
- Easy command-line use, after setting default configuration options and securely saving them to the current user's profile.
- Get Worker information for one or all workers.
- Get / Set / Update Worker email.
- Get / Set / Update Worker phone.
- Upload Worker Photos.
- Upload Worker Documents.
- Run reports.
- Trigger Integrations and retreive their status.
- Submit arbitrary API calls.
- A sample script to push A.D. changes to Workday (samples/Push_AD_to_Workday.ps1).
Set-WorkdayEndpoint -Endpoint Staffing -Uri ''
Set-WorkdayEndpoint -Endpoint Human_Resources -Uri ''
Set-WorkdayEndpoint -Endpoint Integrations -Uri ''
Set-WorkdayWorkerPhone -WorkerId 123 -WorkerType Employee_ID -Number '+1 (234) 987-6543'
Get-WorkdayWorkerPhone -WorkerId 123 -WorkerType Employee_ID | Format-Table
UsageType DeviceType Number Extension Primary Public
--------- ---------- ------ --------- ------- ------
Home Landline 1 (234) 567-8910 False False
Work Landline 1 (234) 987-6543 True False
$response = Invoke-WorkdayRequest -Request '<bsvc:Server_Timestamp_Get xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc" />' -Uri
wd version Server_Timestamp_Data
-- ------- ---------------------
urn:com.workday/bsvc v25.1 2015-12-02T12:18:30.841-08:00
Get-Command -Module WorkdayApi | sort Name | Get-Help | Format-Table Name, Synopsis -AutoSize
Name Synopsis
---- --------
Export-WorkdayDocument Exports Workday Documents.
Get-WorkdayDate Gets the current time and date from Workday.
Get-WorkdayEndpoint Gets the default Uri value for all or a particular Endpoint.
Get-WorkdayIntegrationEvent Retrieves the status of a Workday Integration.
Get-WorkdayReport Returns the XML result from any Workday report, based on its URI.
Get-WorkdayWorker Gets Worker information as Workday XML.
Get-WorkdayWorkerDocument Gets Workday Worker Documents.
Get-WorkdayWorkerEmail Returns a Worker's email addresses.
Get-WorkdayWorkerPhone Returns a Worker's phone numbers.
Get-WorkdayWorkerPhoto Returns a worker's photo.
Invoke-WorkdayRequest Sends XML requests to Workday API, with proper authentication and receives XML response.
Remove-WorkdayConfiguration Removes Workday configuration file from the current user's Profile.
Save-WorkdayConfiguration Saves default Workday configuration to a file in the current users Profile.
Set-WorkdayCredential Sets the default Workday API credentials.
Set-WorkdayEndpoint Sets the default Uri value for a particular Endpoint.
Set-WorkdayWorkerDocument Uploads a document to a Worker's records in Workday.
Set-WorkdayWorkerEmail Sets a Worker's email in Workday.
Set-WorkdayWorkerPhone Sets a Worker's phone number in Workday.
Set-WorkdayWorkerPhoto Uploads an image file to Workday and set it as a Worker's photo.
Start-WorkdayIntegration Starts a Workday Integration.
Update-WorkdayWorkerEmail Updates a Worker's email in Workday, only if it is different.
Update-WorkdayWorkerPhone Updates a Worker's phone number in Workday, only if it is different.
The only dependency is Powershell version 4.
This module has been published to the Powershell Gallery at .
To install run the following Powershell command:
Install-Module -Name WorkdayApi
Please use with caution. This module could cause baldness, could warp time and space, could kill your puppy or, could do nothing at all. I am sharing what I am using as a starting point for a community developed solution.
Any and all contributions are more than welcome and appreciated.