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A model for studying the [TR]APPIST-1 exoplanet's ability to volcanically [OUT]gas water and other volatiles. Developed by Trent Thomas.
This is a directory of python codes used to assess how much water the interiors of the TRAPPIST-1 planets may hold, and how that water could be supplied to the exterior of these planets via volcanic outgassing. A full model description is found in the associated manuscript:
"Geochemical Constraints on Water Outgassing as a Source of Secondary Atmospheres on the TRAPPIST-1 Planets" by Thomas, T. B., Meadows, V. S., Krissansen-Totton, J., Gialluca, M., Wogan, N., & Catling, D.C. The Planetary Science Journal.
As a matter of courtesy, we request that people using this code please cite the above manuscript. In the interest of an "open source" approach, we also request that authors who use and modify the code, please send a copy of papers and modified code to the corresponding author (Trent Thomas; [email protected]).
Note: the VolcGases
library is required to run this code and can be found at https://github.com/Nicholaswogan/VolcGases