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Releases: trioderegion/dnd5e-helpers
Releases · trioderegion/dnd5e-helpers
submodule test 2
Full Changelog: 4.1.3...4.2.+1
Controlled Substance
- Status icon reflow options: Can now optionally turn off the horizontal reflow of status icons. This will disable the 'effect icon scale' setting now and return control to the parent/wrapped
function. Closes #282 . - New Wild Magic Surge variant - Accumulating Surges: Starting with a target roll of 1, the target number increases by 1 for each spell cast that does not result in a surge. On a surge, the target number resets to 1.
- Contributed by: @Maravedis
- Expanded Action Management HUD options: In addition to showing the HUD for tokens in combat, the GM can also configure the HUD to show for any other tokens in a scene with a combat encounter. This can be used for companions that act on their controller's initiative and don't really need to be in the combat tracker. Actions for tokens outside of combat are not automatically tracked or reset, except for when the final combat on a given scene ends, but can be manually controlled.
- #290 - Walls with 'no cover' setting now correctly save their state.
- Initial implementation of libwrapper shim to support
wrapping. Will expand use throughout module.
- Japanese translation brought up to version 4.1.3
- Contributed by: @BrotherSharper
- Added keys relevant to reflow options.
- Modified
to reflect dependence on reflow option.
Full Changelog: 4.1.3...4.2.0
submodule test 1
Issues/282 (#303) * Effect reflow options. Improved Action Mgmt performance. Closes #282 * submodule workflow update * honeywrap update
Tapped Land
- Legendary/Lair action helper dialogs will no longer error upon encounter items without an activation field (primarily caused by
type items). Thanks tocallbritton
for the report and quick test!
Bee Keeper
The majority of this patch comes from the great @Haxxer (aka Wasp), including the empty surge table fix and a revamped surge result output message. Huge thanks! ❤️
- #278 Updated hint for wild magic enable to point the user toward the actor's special traits for further configuration
- #279 Empty wild magic surge table no longer throws errors and continues gracefully, as intended.
- Wild Magic Surge result output message has received its first face lift...uh...ever? And now correctly is output after the spell is cast for easier readability.
- Transferred all new/changed keys to non-en languages and reorganized for easy diffs.
Pure Chaos
Wild Magic
- Complete refactor to support custom Wild Magic handlers.
- Wild Magic surge type has been moved from a global setting to a setting per Actor.
class has been added asWildMagic
to the global scope for interfacing with the surge handler system.scripts/plugins/wild-magic-surge.js
has been added as both the implementation of prior handlers (normal, more, volatile) and as an example for implementing your own custom handlers.- Notable helper:
. Can be used to run either a registered handler, or a custom function to force a surge roll. - Full API documentation can be found at:
- KNOWN LIMITATIONS: Only a single surge handler can be predefined for a given actor. However, any surge handler can be invoked manually using the
Internal Update Queue Manager
- Better handling of errors produced by an update. Queue will now report an error and continue other queued updates. Previously would halt operation entirely.
Great Wounds
- #247 Corrected instance where sanitizeTokenName was called instead of sanitizeActorName resulting in a parsing error
Legendary and Lair Action
Action Management
- #258 Popping out the combat tracker via the Popout! module would cause the legendary and lair action prompts to appear in the popped out window if the turn was ended via the popped out combat tracker.
- #245 Combat Action HUD is now longer shown on Begin Combat if the display is suppressed or set to Hover.
- #263 Players will no longer attempt to clear the action flags on unowned tokens when combat is deleted or a combatant is removed from the tracker.
Undead Fortitude
- #260 Early exit if the update contains no HP changes. Also corrected undefined symbol max HP symbol
Cover Calculation
- #238 Walls will now respect any cover level overrides applied to them. Additionally, open doors are now considered 0 cover and limited visibility walls (i.e. terrain walls) have been given simple considerations -- a single limited vis wall is ignored as a collision, but if more than one is collected, all will use their provided cover values.
Wild Magic
- #249 Volatile wild magic surge would show an incorrect inline roll button expression and has been corrected.
- #254 Changed layout of settings giving them multiple sub menus. Various helpers got moved into subheaders as a result. Example: Undead Fortitude helpers can now be found in their own menu under NPC Feature Helpers while the Cover Calculator Configuration has been moved under System Helpers
Action Management
- #248 Increased granularity of action management settings. Main enable switch has been split between just enable and just display modes. Each client can now also select their preferred display modes (none, select, hover).
Cover Calculation
- #259 Broke down special trait to ignore half and full quarters to allow for more specificity. Users can now specify up to which level of cover their characters ignores cover. This allows for only ignoring half cover (such is the case with a wand of the warmage), ignoring half and three quarters cover, as well as even ignoring full cover. Backwards compatibility for cases where people used flags directly to specify what level of cover their character should ignore has been added.
Great Wounds
- #209 Damage thresholds can now be set for both a percentage of Max HP and/or a total amount of damage. When non-zero, the threshold is enabled and checked when the actor takes damage.
Lair/Legendary Action Helpers
- Each dialog type will now remember their last location.
- Dialogs will remain open after an ability has been rolled in the case of multiple lair/legendary actor actions occurring on the same turn change.
Cover calculation
- Added a client setting to allow whispering the cover report only to yourself instead of whispering to GM.
Undead Fortitude
- #271 Added a check box under special traits of the actor menu to give an actor the benefits of the Undead Fortitude feature even if they do not poessess the feature
- DND5EH.flagsNoCover
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverHint
- option.wmOptions.standard
- option.wmOptions.more
- option.wmOptions.volatile
- DND5EH.WildMagicConsoleSurgesMessage
- setting.actionMgmtEnable.hint
- setting.GreatWoundEnable.hint
- DND5EH.ConfigApp.title
- DND5EH.ConfigApp.return
- DND5EH.SubModule.DnDWildMagic.label
- DND5EH.SubModule.CoverCalculator.label
- DND5EH.SubModule.UndeadFortitude.label
- DND5EH.SubModule.GreatWounds.label
- DND5EH.SubModule.OpenWounds.label
- DND5EH.groupLabel.system
- DND5EH.groupLabel.npcFeatures
- DND5EH.groupLabel.pcFeatures
- DND5EH.groupLabel.combat
- DND5EH.groupLabel.misc
- DND5EH.flagsNoCover
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverHint
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverOptionNone
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverOptionHalf
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverOptionThreeQ
- DND5EH.flagsNoCoverOptionFull
- setting.debugDrawing.hint
- setting.whisperToSelf.hint
- setting.wmRollMode.hint
- setting.actionMgmtDisplay.hint
- DND5EH.flagsUndeadFortitude
- DND5EH.flagsUndeadFortitudeHint
- setting.GreatWoundTriggerPct.hint
- setting.GreatWoundTriggerFlat.hint
- option.wmOptions.custom
4.0.0 Localization Updates
Combat Cleanup
Internal Testing
Puncture Rate
Internal Testing
Generational Leap
Foundry VTT v9 compatible release
- Corrected module code for v9.
- No longer attempt to add button listeners to cover chat cards with no buttons.
- Recharge ToC on surge now properly respects its enable state.
- Great Weapon tables without items no longer throws errors.
- Great Weapon tables now support adding all active effects from the rolled item to the actor.
- Cover Check on target has been split into two functions. Both are client-side settings.
- A default hot key "R" has been added to perform a cover check between the currently selected token(s) and the hovered token.
- An option has been added to always perform a cover check when a token is targeted.
- Changed keys:
- Added keys: