Flask is a web framework for Python. It allows you to run Python code in a server hosted by your computer. It is famously used for developing web applications.
- Python 3
Create an environment:
Clone this repository (if you don't have git, you can also just donwload it as a ZIP file).
Within the project folder (the one you just cloned/downloaded), create a venv (virtual environment) folder.
macOS: python3 -m venv venv
Windows: py -3 -m venv venv
Activate the environment (Why use a virtual environment? Because we want our project to use dependencies that either don't exist on your system, or exist but are of a different version. Using a virtual environment allows to install dependencies to be used exclusively for our project):
- macOS: . venv/bin/activate
- Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Install Flask:
- macOS: pip install Flask (use pip3 if that's what you have)
- Windows: pip install Flask (use pip3 if that's what you have)
This repository contains a skeleton for your Flask project. It has the appropiate directory and file structure for you to easily get started.
Take a look at the app.py file.
- This is the Flask application that will receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.
- It routes different endpoints (URLs) to different Python functions.
On the templates folder, there are HTML files that the prior mentioned Python functions can render (using the functino render_template())
Try routing different URL endpoints to different Python functions that render differnet HTML pages!
- This is a great example of using a backend (Flask) to handle your frontend (HTML)