Welcome to Omnifood! Omnifood is a revolutionary food subscription service designed to make healthy eating easy and convenient for everyone. With our AI-powered platform, users can enjoy personalized meal plans tailored to their tastes and nutritional needs, delivered straight to their doorsteps.
To get started with Omnifood, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd AI-food-subscription-app
- Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser to view the Omnifood website.
Responsive Website UI/UX for Omnifood: Developed a fully responsive and user-centric website for Omnifood, a cutting-edge AI-powered food subscription service. Leveraging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I crafted an intuitive and visually appealing user interface that enhances the overall user experience. The project entailed the following key elements and features:
HTML5 and Semantic Structure: Employed semantic HTML5 elements to ensure accessibility and improve SEO. Structured content logically to facilitate seamless navigation.
Advanced CSS Techniques: Utilized modern CSS, including Flexbox and Grid, to create a responsive layout that adapts to various screen sizes and devices. Implemented CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements to enhance interactivity and styling.
JavaScript Enhancements: Added dynamic functionality using JavaScript to create an engaging and interactive user experience. Implemented features such as smooth scrolling, sticky navigation, and mobile navigation toggling.
Responsive Design Principles: Applied best practices for responsive design, including the use of rem units, max-width properties, and media queries. Ensured optimal performance and usability across devices ranging from desktops to smartphones.
Web Design Best Practices: Adhered to web design rules, focusing on typography, color theory, imagery, iconography, and whitespace to create a clean and modern aesthetic. Maintained visual hierarchy to guide user attention and improve content readability.
Component-Based Development: Built reusable components such as accordions, carousels, tables, and pagination systems to modularize the codebase and streamline development.
Performance Optimization: Enhanced website performance through image optimization, efficient CSS and JavaScript code, and thorough testing using Lighthouse. Addressed cross-browser compatibility issues to ensure consistent user experience.
Deployment and Maintenance: Successfully deployed the website to Netlify, incorporating continuous integration and deployment practices. Implemented form handling and performance monitoring for sustained functionality.
- CSS3 (Sass)
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- JavaScript (jQuery)
- Git
- Netlify
- Chrome DevTools
- Lighthouse