This is a simple java application that will send a message to a Kafka Topic on a configured interval. I haven't tested with a local version of Kafka and this only ever runs on Heroku with Heroku Kafka
Clone this repository and provide your own implementation of MessageService class. Configure Guice dependency injection in the ApplicationInjector..
These variables will be added automatically to your app when you configure an Heroku Kafka addon.
Also, add
- KAFKA_TOPIC : The topic that you want to send messages to
- INTERVAL : The interval in milliseconds you want a message sent. e.g. if you want every second set this to 1000
You will want to have Java 1.8 installed and Maven 3
java -version
mvn -version
Get the heroku kafka environment (unless you want to build your own local Kafka cluster...)
heroku config -s -a HEROKU_APP_NAME > .env
set -o allexport
source .env
set +o allexport
Build using Maven
mvn clean package
java -jar target/kafka-gen-jar-with-dependencies.jar