Creates the list thumbnails of the video file in console. Based on ffmpeg and QT. About 60 parameters for setting.
Last compile on Fedora 28 with ffmpeg 4.0 and QT5.10.1.
Example video -
The project no longer develops. Free for fork and further development.
--preset Use section in config file (default - "Default")
--presetsList Show all presets in config file (all other parameters ignored)
--presetInfo Show all values in preset (all other parameters ignored, example: --presetInfo MyPreset)
--frames Frames count in screenlist (default - 16)
--width Width screenlist (default - 1200)
--horCount Frames in horisontal (default - 4)
--offsetBegin Time offset from begin (default - "00:01:00")
--offsetEnd Time offset from end (default - "00:01:00")
--listBorder Depth border screenlist (default - 10)
--frameBorder Depth border frame (default - 5)
--shadowOffset Offset shadow of frame (default - 5)
--shadowInt Intensity shadow of frame (default - 10, range 0-100)
--shadowColor R,G,B color shadow of frame (default - "0,0,0" - black, "255,255,255" - white)
--background Picture file for background (if empty, fill white)
--backgroundColor R,G,B[,A] background color (default - "255,255,255")
--picType Type of picture file (default - "jpg")
--header Header with information (default - true)
--timeFrame Time stamp on frame (default - true)
--fontFrameName Name font on frame (default - "Liberation Sans")
--fontFrameSize Size font on frame (default - 10)
--fontFrameWeight Weight font on frame (default - Normal, (Light,DemiBold,Bold,Black))
--fontFrameItalic Italic font on frame (default - false)
--fontFrameColor R,G,B[,A] color font on frame (default - "255,255,255")
--fontFrameShadowOffset Offset shadow of time stamp (default - 0)
--fontFrameShadowInt Intensity shadow of time stamp (default - 2, range 0-100)
--fontFrameShadowColor R,G,B color shadow of time stamp (default - "0,0,0")
--stampPos Position time stamp (default - "rb" (RightBottom), (rb, rt, lb, lr))
--stampOffset Offset from the edge of the frame to the timestamp (default - 3)
--stampStart Time offset for timestamp (default - "00:00:00")
--fontHeaderName Name font on header (default - "Liberation Sans")
--fontHeaderSize Size font on header (default - 13)
--fontHeaderWeight Weight font on header (default - Bold, (Normal,Light,DemiBold,Black))
--fontHeaderItalic Italic font on header (default - false)
--fontHeaderColor R,G,B[,A] color font on header (default - "0,0,0")
--headerBackground Picture file for header background (if empty, default color for header)
--headerColor R,G,B[,A] color header background (default - "255,255,255")
--headerBorderColor R,G,B[,A] color header border (default - "0,0,0")
--headerBorder Depth border header (default - 2)
--infoShadowOffset Offset shadow of information text (default - 5)
--infoShadowInt Intensity shadow of information text (default - 10, range 0-100)
--infoShadowColor R,G,B color shadow of information text (default - "100,100,100")
--logoFile Picture file for logotype (it is recommended PNG image with alpha channel)
--logoShadowOffset Offset shadow of logotype (default - 5)
--logoShadowInt Intensity shadow of logotype (default - 10, range 0-100)
--logoShadowColor R,G,B color shadow of logotype (default - "100,100,100")
--foreground Picture file for foreground (it is recommended PNG image with alpha channel)
--aspect Aspect ratio (if 0.0 - source aspect (DAR), default - 0.0)
--descr Custom text, located at the top of the header
--outFolder Folder for result files
--frameBoxColor R,G,B[,A] color frame border (default - "120,120,120")
--frameBox Depth border frame (default - 0)
--stampDescr Custom text, located on frame
--stampDescrPos Position custom text (default - "lt" (LeftTop), (rb, rt, lb, lr))
--timeStep Time between frames. If not equal to "00:00:00", the parameter "frames" are ignored. (default - "00:00:00")
--fpm Frames per minute. If not equal to "0", the parameter "frames" and "timeStep" are ignored. (default - "0")
--maxRows Maximum rows if use "timeStep" or "fpm". (default - 50)
--version Version string. (default - false)
--logLevel FFMPEG log level. (default - -8 (QUIET))